Day 576 of NO EVIDENCE produced by Trump that his phones were tapped by Obama.
The FISA warrant Trump referenced targeted Carter Page. #TrumpLies

Day 365 since the deadliest mass shooting on U.S soil in Las Vegas that killed 58, injured 546 and Congress has taken NO action to prevent future mass shootings. #NeverForget #NeverAgain #EnoughIsEnough

1 year ago today, innocent people went to the Route 91 Harvest music festival on the Las Vegas Strip.
A gunman fired more than 1,100 rounds killing 58 people in the deadliest mass shooting on U.S soil.
Let us remember their names:
Solemn moment as 58 doves are released during Las Vegas remembrance ceremony, each with a name on its foot of one of the lives lost in the horrific mass shooting one year ago.
No White House press briefing today.
The last briefing was September 10th.
The White House has only held 1 briefing since August 23rd.…
Reminder: The Trump administration is systematically locking up thousands of children at unheard of rates - now a staggering 12,800.
The government classifies these children as "unaccompanied"
Trump admin is struggling to provide shelter, find homes for a record-breaking 13,000+ migrant children in custody. Hundreds have moved from shelters to "a barren tent city."
The moves are done at night because kids are less likely to run away.…
In a call to Mitch McConnell, Trump "unleashed an expletive-filled tirade," telling McConnell that he had let the process get away from him, NYT reports.…
The White House has no Plan B on Kavanaugh and there's not even discussion of one, five sources tell Axios. The team has not looked for nor vetted backup candidates.
"He's too big to fail now," said a source involved in the confirmation process.…
Charles Ludington, a Yale friend of Kavanaugh's, plans to deliver a statement to the FBI detailing violent drunken behavior by Kavanaugh in college.
Ludington says in one instance, Kavanaugh initiated a fight that led to the arrest of a friend.…
"They ought to be doing multiple investigations at the same time," Sen. Chris Coons says. "There are multiple allegations ... it is not hard to figure out the universe of witnesses. It is not 500. It may not be 50. But it has to be more than five."…
An attorney for a potential witness, Elizabeth Rasor, said her client hasn't been contacted by the FBI despite repeated offers to cooperate.
Rasor challenged Mark Judge's statement about roughhousing taking place with women at Georgetown Prep.…
FBI not returning calls of Yale classmate who can corroborate a Ramirez claim against Kavanaugh. 👇
"I thought it was going to be an investigation," a Yale classmate of Brett Kavanaugh and Deborah Ramirez said, of the FBI's renewed inquiry. "But instead it seems it's just an alibi for Republicans to vote for Kavanaugh."
Some who say they have information relevant to the FBI's probe are suspicious that the investigation will amount to what one of Kavanaugh's former Yale classmates called a "whitewash."
Democratic officials who have oversaw FBI background investigations disputed that there was anything procedurally routine in the Kavanaugh probe. Robert Bauer, W.H. counsel to Obama, said that he had never seen an investigation so circumscribed.
FBI limits Kavanaugh-Ford investigation to allegations of sexual misconduct. Dems want FBI investigation of teenage drinking.
The drinking is central to the allegations of sexual misconduct, right? and also to his questions about his honesty.
"It's not an investigation if the FBI is going to accept the dictates of the White House in terms of who you can interview and who you can't," John Mindermann, a former FBI special agent who investigated the Watergate break-in, said.…
“A complete background check investigation will not be possible without the ability to interview classmates and associates and anybody with knowledge of the circumstances in the time frame in question,” Dennis Franks, a former FBI agent, said.…
WHOA: Trump mockingly critiques Cecilia Vega of ABC News.
Trump says that she's shocked that he picked her. Then he adds, "That's OK. I know you're not thinking. You never do." (via ABC)
Trump publicly dangling blackmail material, which he refers to as “compromising situations,” at some unnamed Democratic Senator.
Trump characterizing Kavanaugh’s Senate testimony: “He did have difficulty as a young man w/drink(ing)”
This is the exact opposite of Judge Kavanaugh's testimony. But sure.
Trump: "I can honestly say I’ve never had a beer in my life. It’s one of my only good traits. … Can you imagine if I had what a mess I’d be?"
Trump: I consider the media part of the Democratic party.
Trump says he wants whatever kind of supplemental FBI investigation of Kavanaugh that Senate Republicans want.
Reminder: Senate Republicans don’t want a supplemental FBI investigation of Kavanaugh.
Trump says that it wouldn't bother him if the FBI interviewed all three Kavanaugh accusers, reiterates that "it's so unfair" to Kavanaugh and his family.
He struggled to show any empathy for the victims.
48% of voters say the Senate should not confirm Kavanaugh. 42 percent say Kavanaugh should be confirmed.
Opposition went up 6-points in a month. Women oppose Kavanaugh by 18-points. @QuinnipiacPoll
Jeff Flake says he wants the FBI to do a "real investigation" on Kavanaugh: "It does no good to have an investigation that just gives us more cover, for example. We actually need to find out what we can find out." (via ABC)
Jeff Flake: "I could never warm to the president. Long before he ran, he talked about President Obama not being a citizen. I thought that itself is disqualified," says we can't refer to opponents "as losers and clowns." (via CBS)
Jeff Flake: "I do hope that somebody else runs in the Republican primary" against Trump. (via ABC)
The White House has authorized the FBI to expand its investigation into Brett Kavanaugh by interviewing anyone it deems necessary as long the review is finished by the end of the week, according to NYT.…
NBC News confirmed the W.H. has eased some limits it had placed on the Kavanaugh FBI investigation, authorizing the FBI to interview whoever agents thought was necessary.
The move to broaden the FBI investigation came after Flake and Collins consulted with the W.H. counsel's office.…
WASHINGTON (AP) -- Lawyer for Kavanaugh friend Mark Judge says Judge has been interviewed by FBI 'but his interview has not been completed'
NBC News: Text messages between two friends of Brett Kavanaugh "suggest that the nominee was personally talking with former classmates about [Deborah] Ramirez's story in advance of the New Yorker article that made her allegation public."…
"The texts also demonstrate that Kavanaugh and Ramirez were more socially connected than previously understood and that Ramirez was uncomfortable around Kavanaugh when they saw each other at a wedding 10 years after they graduated."…
"Efforts also show that some potential witnesses have been unable to get important information through to the FBI."…
Kerry Berchem, who was at Yale with both Kavanaugh & Ramirez, says in a memo that she's sent to the FBI that "Kavanaugh 'and/or' his friends 'may have initiated an anticipatory narrative' as early as July to 'conceal or discredit'" Deborah Ramirez.…
NBC News notes that Kavanaugh told the Judiciary Committee under oath that the 1st time he heard about Deborah Ramirez's allegation was in the New Yorker article. These text messages would seem to refute that timeline, if accurate.…
Republican lawyer Bill Burck, who oversaw the release of Kavanaugh's documents and reps W.H. counsel Don McGahn and others in Mueller's probe, is part of a pro-Kavanaugh war room effort, according to Politico.…
@Comey has rejected a closed-hearing with the House Judiciary Committee but offers himself up for a *public* hearing.

We've now entered Fiscal Year 2019.
OMB has projected a deficit of $1.085 Trillion dollars.
Paul Ryan became Speaker of the House weeks after fiscal year 2015 ended with a deficit of $439 billion.
National debt stands at $21.4 trillion.
It was $19.9 trillion the day Trump took office.
OMB projects debt will hit $29T in fiscal 2025 under Trump's policies.
It was $10.6 trillion the day Obama took office.
It was $5.7 trillion the day Bush took office.
Fiscal 2017 House GOP budget projected a $207 billion deficit for fiscal 2019 under their policies.
White House OMB projects a $1.085T deficit.
What happened?
Revenue ~$366B BELOW House R's pre-election budget.
Spending ~$521B ABOVE House R's pre-election budget.
Mattis cancelled his trip to Beijing after Chinese officials refused to meet with him.…
A senior Trump appointee responsible for enforcing laws against financial discrimination once questioned in blog posts written under a pen name if using the n-word was inherently racist and claimed that the great majority of hate crimes were hoaxes.…
Devin Nunes' family secretly relocated their dairy farm from California to Iowa more than a decade ago. The farm reportedly relies heavily on the work of undocumented immigrants, according to Ryan Lizza in Esquire.…
Good news for the Grand Canyon!
Supreme Court this morning rejected the mining industry's petition to challenge the 20-year time-out on new uranium mining claims on 1 million acres of public land around the canyon.…
Melania Trump arrived at @Andrews_JBA and boards an Air Force plane to begin her 5-day, 4-nation trip to Africa.
Her first stop is Ghana, followed by stops in Malawi, Kenya and Egypt.

Trump is looking toward 2020 as he starts a full campaign week of rallies, listing three potential Dem rivals - Booker, Warren, Biden - and tearing into each one.
36 Days until midterm elections.
We've got great candidates, great energy, and great issues. Take nothing for granted -- we can't let up.
To power a 🌊 this November, make SURE you're registered, help others register & vote early!
A Record 800,000 People Registered to Vote on National Voter Registration Day
In case you missed yesterday's thread:
Kids stuck in Border Patrol stations for as long as 25 days. Communication chaos. A database that didn’t exist. A copy of the Inspector General’s autopsy of Zero T family separations. NEW with @mariasacchetti @seungminkim…
Starting today, the Trump administration will deny visas to same-sex domestic partners of diplomats and U.N. officials
Lawsuit aims at heading off test set for Wednesday on system allowing Trump and successors to send emergency alerts to cellphones, cites fear of 'weaponized disinformation' & forced speech