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Mona @Monaheart1229
6 years ago, 17 tweets, 4 min read Read on Twitter
In Post-Trump's alternate universe, people evidently can't wrap their minds around doing something purely on principle. We have to fix this, kids! #CancelKavanaugh #VoteBlue #ImpeachTrump…
2/"North Dakota Sen. Heidi Heitkamp (D), in a tough reelection race in her deep-red state, announced today that she would vote against Judge Brett M. Kavanaugh’s nomination to the Supreme Court. She told local TV station WDAY that “the process was bad” and she’d be voting no.
3/"In a written statement, she explained, “In addition to the concerns about his past conduct, last Thursday’s hearing called into question Judge Kavanaugh’s current temperament, honesty, and impartiality. These are critical traits for any nominee to serve on the highest court in
4/"our country.” After reminding us she had voted to confirm Justice Neil Gorsuch, she told voters, “When I listened to Dr. Ford testify, I heard the voices of women I have known throughout my life who have similar stories of sexual assault and abuse.” She concluded,
5/"“There are many extremely qualified candidates to serve on the Court. I’m ready to work with the president to confirm a nominee who is suited for the honor and distinction of serving this lifetime appointment.”
6/"The reaction on Twitter and social media ranged from surprised to stunned: But he’s going to be confirmed anyway! Doesn’t she realize conservatives back home will be mad? The seeming inability of many in the media to consider that, for her, there might be something more
7/"important than an immediate political pay-off was a telling sign of the cynicism that permeates much of the coverage of Washington. Bad and cowardly behavior gets written off as “par for the course.” Politicians are expected to do what is necessary weeks before an
8/"election to save themselves. But there is another way to look at one’s job as senator. “To be connected to America’s causes — liberty, equal justice, respect for the dignity of all people — brings happiness more sublime than life’s fleeting pleasures,” the late
9/"Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) wrote in a farewell letter read after his death. “Our identities and sense of worth are not circumscribed but enlarged by serving good causes bigger than ourselves.” For some in public office, the reward and the thrill is not getting to keep a cushy
10/" job that comes with staff, sycophants and travel. It is rather the thrill of leaving one’s mark, of being a mention in history for having done something brave and good and right.
11/"Sorry, but you don’t go down in the history books because of clever tweets when you’ve simply voted down the line on every measure — good, bad or indifferent — the base wants. No one will be remembered (except in a campaign ad) for making the politically expedient vote to
12/"confirm Kavanaugh. Some of them may think they are doing the right thing, although the “tell” was their willingness to plunge ahead without ever hearing from Christine Blasey Ford. But when you follow the herd, you don’t get to leave your own distinct hoof print.
13/"I’ve often wondered why senators “who know better” (e.g., know the tax plan would blow up the debt or know the repeal of Affordable Care Act with no viable replacement would hurt people) vote the way they do. Some really cannot imagine life outside the Senate. Others can’t
14/"bear the criticism from their own side’s pundits and media outlets. Some are beholden to special interests that got them elected. The Congress, I hate to break it to you, is not a place for independent, courageous people. That’s why McCain got the moniker of “maverick” —
15/"because so many others travel with the herd. Heitkamp couldn’t bring herself to confirm Kavanaugh, so she isn’t going to. That’s news in our cynical political age. It shouldn’t be; we shouldn’t treat professed beliefs as excuses to do what the party wants you to do.
16/"And yet we do. We expect conformity (hence the shock when Sen. Jeff Flake (R-Ariz.) held out for a whole week), so that’s generally what we get. Voters don’t reward authenticity; they reward slavish devotion to the tribe. Heitkamp may well get voted out.
17/"Her life won’t end if she does. As her brother said on MSNBC: “She may lose. But in the morning, when she’s brushing her teeth, she needs to like the person she sees.” ~Jennifer Rubin, WaPo, 10/4/18
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