Q. What are the basic teachings in a far-right fundamentalist school (cult)?
A. Rich white healthy straight men are blessed by God to lead this nation. Everyone else must serve God by serving these leaders. Laws are created to support the leaders & empires.
A. To them suffering on Earth is only temporary. If they hurt others to fulfill the plan, then it's God's will. The only way a person can stop hurting is to turn to God to go to heaven & suffer no more.
A. Either those people accept Jesus and suffer no more with their glory in Heaven, or they go to hell to suffer forever. -- Those inflicting the pain truly believe it's a holy war.
A. Many Christians use a circular argument. "If I love you, then I want you to do exactly what I think you should & that is to go to Heaven. If I don't save you, I don't love you. - It's abusive love.
A. Far-right Christians have found the one dividing argument which they can use as a "love statement" instead of racism. But they don't care about the mother or the child (welfare laws prove this). They only care for votes.
I know most folks are in shock at our nation, so this is a great chance to lay it all out. We can't fight an issue until we understand the issue.
Q. About Amy Coney Barrett?
A. She worships with People of Praise, which is not a religion or denomination, but a branch of a religious sect. Her faith is much how I grew up. Strict male dominated.
A. I cry when I think of this. Originally I broke free by constantly fighting back in small ways. Until one of the leaders told my parents "I was not correct for their program" cont..
A. What you're seeing is a yearly event that started with constant humiliation about what we liked in this world and about our bodies. The best analogy to current times is the religious hate for Harry Potter & Disney movies.
A. We were taught to hate anything of this world & to hate our bodies. Sex was only for marriage & children. No pleasure. What you are seeing is the burning of clothes, music, art, books, comics, & anything which could harm our Christian minds.
A, Now, don't get me wrong. There are things I didn't let my children see when they were younger, but I taught them right from wrong, not to hate the feelings they had when they felt something when seeing art, listening to music, or watching a movie.
A, That is the deeper mind-screw that cult/ or far-right religious organizations do to a person. Instead of teaching right from wrong on a personal level, they teach hate and destruction on a societal level. - If they can't watch it neither can you.