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Amanda Blount 🌊 @amandablount2
6 years ago, 11 tweets, 5 min read Read on Twitter
1. This week a teen mother's hope was raised.

Tonight her husband slaps her for not making dinner on time and she knows no one is coming to help her.

#WomenRiseUp #VoteNoOnKavanaugh
2. This week a student watched #DrChristineBlaseyFord and gained inner strength to tell her truth about the teen boy who attacked her.

Tonight she sits in her bedroom crying and praying the pregnancy test she just purchased will be negative.

#WomenRiseUp #VoteNoOnKavanaugh
3. This week a woman packed her bags, and after 30 yrs, was finally leaving her abusive husband. For 30 yrs she wore long sleeves so no one would know.

Tonight, she unpacked her bags, and made plans to purchase more long sleeve shirts.

#WomenRiseUp #VoteNoOnKavanaugh
4. This week a teen went to a clinic to get birth control pills. She finally convinced her father to let her use them.

Tonight she came home to her father waiting on her. He dumped her purse & flushed the pills. Keep your legs shut or pay the price he says.

5. This week a young mother told her family she was pregnant but didn't want to get married. She wanted to go to college, but she needed their help with money for an abortion.

Tonight she was told she would need to get married or get out.

#WomenRiseUp #StopKanavaugh
6. This week a young college student was at a party. She didn't drink much, but her drink was spiked with a drug. She was raped.

Tonight, as she watches the leaders of this nation, she keeps that secret in her heart & she hopes no one finds out.

#WomenRiseUp #StopKanavaugh
7. This week a young girl is sold by her father to her uncle for drugs. She wanted to tell social services, but her dad told her no one would care.

Tonight he forced her to watch POTUS & others laughing at Ford's misery. He turned & laughed at her. She wept.

8. This week there is a woman who talks to her minister about the abuse she receives at home. The minister tells her she is her husband's wife and she needs to pray for him.

Tonight, as she sits in the ER watching TV, tears run down her face, & she prays for her husband.
9. This week there was a victim of assault, who is suffering, mentally and physically, and they had their hand on the phone to call for help.....

Tonight they gave up ever asking for help, because they knew their government had failed them.

10. This week there were child brides, sex slaves, abuse victims, and many countless women, men, and children, who were hoping to one day be saved from sexual torture. They were hoping America, the shiny city upon a hill, would one day save them.

Tonight they lost that hope.
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