padding commands with history expansion characters (#exclamation mark (!))
! ! ! ! echo this is test
(removed the previous tweet as I revealed too much info !)
using history expansion character -> !! (i.e. last command)
!!t really
is equivalent to
cat really
(only 4 interactive shell)
padding commands with empty commands (: ;)
: -> true (do nothing)
; -> command separator
: : ; : ; cat really
! ! ! : : ; : ; cat really
padding commands with piping true (: | or true |) or false (false |)
: | : | cat really
! ! : | : | date
true | date
false | true | false | date
padding commands with command substitution (`` or $()) + inline comment
`` echo test
`# something misleading` echo test
$() echo test
echo `# misleading` test
last but not least in this series
padding commands using and (||) or (&&) operators
false || date
true && cat really
false && cat really will not print anything
cat really && (date || will not be executed) #mislead
false && cat really <--- will not print anything
* the techniques are new (at least to the best of my knowledge). Some of them can be used in batch as well like and or operators