"This house, once reduced to ruins, now gleams perennially decorated... and its glory shines as Phoebus in the sky... O Virgin Mary, to you Paschal the virtuous happy bishop has founded this regal hall..." 7/11

it's a mappa, the handkerchief used to start the public games in #ancient and late antique #Roman cities (you'll see it in consular diptychs for instance) also featuring in #Byzantine representations of the Virgin 8/11

and an all-time classic
📖 press.princeton.edu/titles/1376.ht…

Next time you visit #Rome and the @Musei_Vaticani make sure you'll stop in the 16thC Chapel of St Peter Martyr where the precious relics of the Sancta Sanctorum are displayed

I know there are some people who might be interested in them here on #medievaltwitter 😉

Here a preview: