People will tend to treat you as you treat yourself.
Mind is patterned by the environment, but also by itself. Every action, thought and utterance matter more than you might suspect.
You can shape both deliberately, but you will get an early harvest of low-hanging fruit by focusing on your demeanor first.
You do this in two types of ways:
– Learning specific social skills: style, etiquette, language etc.
– Programming yourself to Be according to your Vision.
It's what "mirror" neurons do.
They reflect your own thoughts, actions, emotions and however you may imagine yourself.
The third-person perspective on your life is a major Power of Mind.
The deeper this mental imprint, the more your unconscious will engage in replicating and projecting it effortlessly.
– Never self-deprecate, mock or ridicule.
– Never blame yourself or call yourself names.
– Never pity yourself or regret your actions.
– Never say you "need" something or someone.
– Never ask yourself to accept less.
See the pattern already?
Design every act of your private life to fit the godlike being you want to be – from how you use the shower to the quality of your underwear.
You don't want the product AND debt. You want the product.
You don't want another (lesser) product. You want the product.
Save the money you need to buy exactly what you want.
This will make you both more receptive and more effective in finding ways to apply it.
Feel your Power grow.
Or don't.