A. Why did the #FakeBomber prolifically post on facebook about soccer, etc, but never mention politics until March, 2016, the same month CIA/FBI started planning #Spygate?

B. Why did #FakeBomber have numerous daily facebook posts, then not post a single thing for 2 months in Jan-Feb 2016 before he started exclusively focusing on politics?

C. Why was #FakeBomber's @hardrock2016 account created in April 2016, right when Hillary and DNC hired Fusion GPS?
D. Why was his first tweet on June 9, 2016, THE SAME DAY AS THE TRUMP TOWER MEETING and same month Fusion hired Steele?

E. I'm not saying these are related, but these questions should be pursued. Ben Rhodes said Team Obama planned to accuse Trump of being helped by Russia if he didn't accept Hillary winning *before* DIA even said Russia helped him. They were plotting to silence him.
F. It's unlikely, but not impossible, that Team Obama w/ Brennan's CIA also created a contingency plan to start creating a social media footprint of a Trump supporter who could later send #FakeBombs so they could tie him to Trump as another method to silence him.
G. Again, I'm not saying this is likely, but going from posting abt nothing but soccer to posting nothing but pro-Trump/anti-Dem politics right when #Spygate was born, combined w/ obvious non-explosive #FakeBombs & van plastered w/ Trump stickers raises interesting questions