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Apr 22nd 2023
#Deepstatemedia uses colour themes for comms. For example there's long been green and blue combo that is symbolic. Now, heaps of yellow. Likely sign of distress, or warning about health danger to globalists. Yellow Jack flag ("Q") seems relevant.…
Yellow often combined with black. I think it evokes #blacksun (eclipse). Just had one of those. Think of timing: Celestial corona featured in lead up to #coronation. Corona-virus, too. Along with Commonwealth itself, Commonwealth Bank comes to mind coz of colour combo.
Here are #comms related to this. From April 23's Failing Terrorgraph. #Bluedog and *Taylor* *Swift* feature. Headline evokes imprisonment. Big bucks mentioned. Note black, yellow, orange in photo taken by Wayne *Taylor*. Pooch snap is by David *Swift*. What are the odds? ImageImageImageImage
Read 135 tweets
Nov 12th 2022
Why the FTX drama is not the end of crypto, but rather a beginning. 🧵

(1/21) For those who don't know me, I guess I should start by just saying I've been in this space for a while. I was here before #MtGox imploded. I met Vitalik before #Eth was a thing. I remember exactly..
(2/21) exactly where I was when #Bitcoin hit $100 & $1000. I remember when the engine driving Bitcoin was a philosophical and ideological one, when the space was a bizarre hybrid of gold bugs, libertarians, anarchists, hackers & OG #cryptography evangelists.
(3/21) I've been here for a while & the recent/ongoing drama involving FTX & #SBF is probably the worst I've seen to date.

Lately we've all heard the same question. "Do you think the FTX debacle is the end of #crypto?". I understand the question, but as somebody who knows...
Read 21 tweets
Aug 13th 2022
Read 177 tweets
May 30th 2020
#AntifaTerrorists will be dealt with. #TimesUp You get what you deserve
The #QAnon Drops in order #2645
#QAnon drop #839
Read 23 tweets
May 28th 2020
1) A thread on #ContactTracing. Yes, it's here. We are watching the #NWO #Agenda21 script play out right in front of our eyes. First we'll show what this is, then I'll share an Anon's opinion of what is really going on. No fear....
2) First, THOUSANDS of #ContactTracers are being hired all over the country. The evidence of this is clear.…
3) Now, who would be attracted to such an invasive job? How EXCITED your neighbor might be to be able to decide the future of your kids and other family members through #ContactTracing! 🙄 Controlling flags, grass length and noisy dogs is just not enough!
Read 60 tweets
May 15th 2020
If the #WhiteHats have a REAL cure for #Covid19 and perhaps other ailments such as #Cancer, there is no NEED for #GatesFoundation #depopulation #FakeCures…
Bill Gates house raided in Dec 2014... the White Hats owned him from that point on, but will be charging him with MUCH larger Crimes Against Humanity. From this point on, he was forced to help our side.…
Read 5 tweets
Mar 18th 2020
#5G #5GMindControl #5GKILLS

TRUST Trump! He fixed the 5G!
Read 25 tweets
Aug 24th 2018
What if I told you the White House was bugged? What if @realDonaldTrump publicized it 15 months ago? What if Mueller is investigating those who bugged the White House? Why are people still ignoring it! #Spygate #MuellerInvestigation
@realDonaldTrump 2) I'm going to lead you through several incidents that show how serious the misconduct of our senior intelligence community leaders were. You will see the timelines in an entirely new light. You'll see the #WhiteHats for who they really are.
@realDonaldTrump 3) On 5/8/17 President Trump directed Deputy Attorney General to draft a letter because he was firing FBI Director James Comey. Rosenstein said the discussion started in one of his first meetings with Attorney General Jeff Sessions over the Winter.…
Read 62 tweets

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