Investors having material exposure must evaluate each story on the basis of 3 key parameters - IP Strategy, Physical & Social Technologies.
Above 3 will define the “future fitness” of the company you have exposure to❗️
Android, iOS have > 5k health / fitness apps like @Medscape, pointing to a future where the Tech. drives a part of medical knowledge and therapeutic guidance instead of a Doctor!
But for well-educated patients with MINOR or "Well-Understood" conditions, cost of direct medical advice won’t make any economic sense!!
Even non-pharma firms like #Vodafone #CiscoSystems are partnering to create real-time patient monitoring systems!
Almost a decade later – this may still be decades away!! (if not impossible to achieve). Excellent read 👌
PwC (below) opines that bioinformatics approaches improve the efficiency of Pharma R&D by enabling drug candidates to "fail fast and fail cheaply".……