The churn in top tier performance is drastically increasing as the VC market matures & #Alpha is dispersed due to the inherent inefficiencies. Only the best funds plan for succession.
•Economic Allocation
•Shared Decision Making
•Diffused Responsibility
•Personal Risk Minimisation
•Go-along-to-get-along Interaction
•Poor inter-generational carry allocations
•Younger generations being closer to age of #entrepreneurs
•Retirement of #SeniorPartners having negative effects on the ability of #Funds to raise additional capital
In the essay by Isaiah Berlin “The Hedgehog & the Fox”, Berlin divides thinkers into 2 groups: hedgehogs, who see things through the lens of a single defining idea, & foxes, who use wide variety of experiences & reject single ideas.

If we have isolated that individual manager hustle, #InvestmentAnalysis & strategic skill is the driver of returns supported by an auto-correlation of brand, network & fundraising, then we need to solve for all these elements in individuals.