And almost literally. He was a big fan of pro wrestling. It was from that, a biographer noted, that he'd "learned the importance of bombast" and storytelling.
Ed Rollins, his boss on the '84 Reagan-Bush campaign, called him a "ruthless" attacker who "just had to drive in one more stake" even after a political target was already dead.
But he still understood it had to be done carefully. Here's his famous interview from 1981 on the use of racial "code words"
So Atwater convened a focus group to test out the negative issues that he might use that fall. And "Willie Horton" worked the best.
As he noted in a later interview, that was a nickname cooked up by Atwater to make him sound even more sinister and threatening than he already was.
"By the time we're finished," he bragged, "they're going to wonder if Willie Horton isn't Dukakis' running mate."
That is so, so much worse than "Willie Horton" ever was.
The new ad blames Democrats for things that happened on Republicans' watch.