This is the most important part of the whole ecommerce game in my opinion. If you can find a product that people want, you can profit.
(I have found success in selling stuff that might be difficult to find at a local convenience store or Walmart.)
Before you go any further, realize that all my success stems from @StartSellingSSS and @SCHM7DT.
These two dudes are the real deal.
I am forever grateful for their guidance.
FB ads only work if you are willing to fail with them... a lot.
It's an odd concept to wrap your head around, that you're supposed to fail most of the time. That failing is good.
But @RyanHolmerr put this in my head.
And it's been a profitable thought.
@DinerPiner and @WesternMastery have been extremely helpful because they started their own ecommerce stores around the same time I did.
Whatever area you're pursuing, find your peers.
If someone believes your store is made specifically for them, they will be far more likely to buy and far less price sensitive.
@thedulab, @kobegatsby, and @Nappyb0yy are the kingpins.
Their stuff is absolute gold.
For me, that was finding winning products and launching Facebook ads.
For you, it might be something different.
But whatever you determine it to be, focus on those activities and be ruthless about accomplishing them daily.
Twitter is a copywriting kingdom.
I have so much still to learn.
Regardless: @BenSettle, @ComedicBizman, @DennisDemori, and @DailyCopywriter have influenced me tremendously.
These dudes have all helped me make monies.
You can find so much information for free.
@YousXP, @cbassg16, @im_thaddeus are three of my favorites.
Some think this might be a waste of time.
YouTube is free education. Use it.
Do I have a solid email sequence? Nope.
Chatbox marketing? Nope.
Upsells? A few but not enough.
Facebook ads optimized? Probably not.
The point is you don't have to do everything right. Just the important stuff.
It's not a get rich quick scheme.
It's not fake.
It's not hype.
It's a real business.
So manage your expenses and your profits like a business owner would.
Invaluable advice I got from Big Nate not too long ago:
If something isn't working, change your offer.
Do this every day and you WILL eventually find an offer that hits.
This thread was just the tip of the iceberg.
I drop loads more value here -->
Lastly, feel free to DM me. Always willing to help any action takers.