In a discussion with Madeleine Albright (@madeleine) this Fall on the Future State podcast, we noted that the insidious thing about authoritarianism or fascism is that it creeps into a society....1/

Those thoughts were very much on my mind as I watched in the last week the actions of our proto-authoritarian president. 3/
As he often does, the president painted a picture of an imagined crisis, this one caused by foreigners coming to our shores to give birth to their children. 7/
Then, second, he imagined a crisis of hordes of Middle East terrorists and Central American gangsters marching north toward Texas to assault and over run a poorly defended border. 9/
Again, the president asserted a crisis and a threat, without a basis in fact. There is no demonstrated reason to believe that the Customs and Border Patrol authorities would...14/
Thirdly, the president asserted the need to create camps to imprison refugees. Falsely claiming that only three percent of refugees show up for their adjudication hearings, when his own Justice Department says the real number is...16/
Finally, the president openly called upon US military forces to open fire if they...17/
We have been here before. US Marines ordered to patrol near the Mexican border in 1997 shot and killed...19/
In sum, the president in his pre-election attempt to win votes...20/
And the outrage to that combined assault on the Constitution has been, at best, muted because we have all become so inured to his lying, his antics, his ripping up of...22/
If America falls under authoritarian rule in the next few years, which could happen, historians will look back on the thin slicing away of the Constitution that occurred in this timeframe and see our collective silence and inaction...23/
As we go to the polls this week, remember the Oath that our military take, that our civil servants, our elected officials, and naturalized citizens all pledge: “to preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of...24/
Remember that Oath and act, act to defend the Constitution at this time when it is under assault. Bring voters to the polls. And be vocal in defense of liberty and justice for all. /END