In that race, it is a (white) man (Brian Kemp) competing versus a (Black) woman (Stacey Abrams).
In that race, white women overwhelmingly chose the man over the woman candidate. (76%)
It is NOT the year of the white woman, because white women in their majority continue to vote for white patriarchy.
- white women who vote GOP “vote against their own interests.”
Their interest is to ally with white supremacist patriarchy. It benefits them.
-“the bless-your-heart strong white southern women”
They think that allying with patriarchy will protect them. It won’t.
“Thus, it is within married women’s interests to support policies and politicians who protect their husbands and improve their status.”


- Who indoctrinated them?
- Who taught them to submit to men?
- Why are they so brainwashed?
- Should I save them?
Instant experts on Islam & Mideast, after a week in the region, write books explaining us to ourselves. I’ve more than earned it. Coming soon!