Mueller has emails between Roger Stone and Jerome Corsi proving that they *knew* in advance that Assange planned 2 dumps of Democratic emails stolen by #Russian🇷🇺intel, including an October surprise.
As did Randy Credico and Ted Malloch.😎…
TOTAL #collusion‼️
Team🇺🇸Mueller says Corsi LIED. In fact, Corsi passed the request along to Ted Malloch.
TOTAL SMOKING GUN of #collusion.

No wonder @realDonaldTrump hates CNN.😎…
Spoliation of evidence = FELONY.
What a bunch of bungling fools!🤣
Corsi and Stone have ID' that person as Randy Credico.
LOL, so Corsi's "faulty memory" is why he DELETED all of his emails prior to mid-October 2016.🤣
These guys are total IDIOTS‼️
Now, he's gonna face Bobby Three Sticks in court.😎
Looks like it soon will be Roger Stone's time in the barrel. And I cannot wait‼️😎