God loves us even thought we're BAD is probs going to be a major theme. #churchtoo #gc2summit
#GC2Summit #ChurchToo
#gc2summit #churchtoo
#gc2summit #churchtoo
#gc2summit #churchtoo
Interesting, that. It's almost like wives being their husband's property isn't something they're going to interrogate. 🤔
#gc2summit #churchtoo
That's the hermenuetical version of "praising God" because the wildfires in California left a Bible or a cross untouched. #gc2summit #churchtoo
The rampant problem with sexual abuse in the church is not about "addictions" or "bondage." #churchtoo #gc2summit
Rape and sexual abuse isn't an effing addiction. #churchtoo @gc2summit
... and still no mention of @emilyjoypoetry or @hannahpaasch, the ones who launched #churchtoo
Wonder if she'll back up her pithy soundbites by actually listening to survivors. #churchtoo #gc2summit
We're never going to get anywhere for as long as we keep saying keeping the church "pure" is connected to its "witness." That's why all these cover-ups happen in the first place, Beth.
Never going to happen as long as evangelicals grip #purityculture in its dying hands. #churchtoo #gc2summit
#churchtoo #gc2summit
But not queer women. Not me. Not even the women who started #churchtoo which is the entire effing reason you're standing on that stage, Eugene.
But not queer bodies. Eff queer bodies. #churchtoo #gc2summit
It's not surprising to me that the panel discussion with counselors/2 WOC is going the best of everything I've seen so far. Almost like it might matter who you invite to speak at these things. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ #churchtoo #GC2summit
Most speakers have so far assumed that sexual abuse is something that happens "out there" and that the Church needs to be a "safe space" for victims/survivors.
THE WHOLE DAMN POINT of #churchtoo was to call out what is happening INSIDE churches. By pastors. Deacons. Missionaries.
I dunno, dude, wouldn't it be great if you recognized that queer bodies also bear the imago dei? #churchtoo #GC2Summit
My eyes just rolled back so far in my head they're stuck #churchtoo
jfc this talk needs so much unpacking I can't keep up. #GC2Summit #churchtoo
"We have to transcend dialog about 'justice' ... press into ideas of beauty and transcendence."
"Millions are marching in the streets for a justice this world will never be able to give us."
"We should cower in fear and trepidation under God ... embrace a posture of wonder."
I can't EVEN with this talk. WHAT IS HAPPENING. #GC2Summit #churchtoo
Dude. I need to tell you something about your hermeneutics and cognitive dissonance. #churchtoo #GC2Summit