-Day 8 of the #TrumpShutdown
-Signs EO Freezing Fed Workers Pay
-AG Investigating Fraud at NJ Club
-Under *18* Different Investigations
-Lies About Strzok and Page Emails
-Boeing Awarded $400M Contract
-China Imports Zero U.S. Soybeans
-Blames Dems 4 Migrant Deaths

Day 664 of NO EVIDENCE produced by Trump that his phones were tapped by Obama.
The FISA warrant Trump referenced targeted Carter Page. #TrumpLies

Day 454 since the deadliest mass shooting on U.S soil in Las Vegas that killed 58, injuring 546.
Although a bump stock ban takes effect in 80 days, Congress must take action to prevent future mass shootings. #NeverForget #NeverAgain #EnoughIsEnough

Nineteen percent named mass shootings as the single most important news event in their lives over the past year.
The gun safety movement has momentum. Text JOIN to 644-33 to help move the needle even more in 2019.
More than 2,600 migrant children were separated from their parents after crossing the Southwest border in the U.S., the majority of them this year. For those who have been reunited, the effects of that separation are far from over. nyti.ms/2EV4Jzi
FYI: The Trump admin has quietly resumed separating immigrant families at the border.
At one agency, the children were put into temporary foster care and shelters with little or no indication that they arrived at the border with their parents: propub.li/2QcsPvY
Reminder: The Trump administration is systematically locking up thousands of children at unheard of rates - now almost 15,000 are in U.S. custody.
The government classifies these children as "unaccompanied"
There was a time when the president of the United Stated would have expressed the sympathy of the people of the United States for the loss of two young children in the custody of the United States government.
Both fathers have said that their children were in good health before crossing the border & Jakelin’s dad has denied CBP’s claim that she did not consume food or water for days before crossing. Felipe was in custody for 5 days before becoming sick.
The tweets marked Trump’s first public comments about the deaths of the immigrant children, and he offered no empathy to the families and took no responsibility for the government’s handling of their cases.
Fact check from June: "The Trump administration owns this family-separation policy, and its spin deserves Four Pinocchios."
VIDEO: Staffers caught dragging, slapping, & pushing migrant children at a detention facility operated by Southwest Key (a nonprofit whose CEO makes millions on the backs of undocumented children).
From Trump's favorite gossip page --> pagesix.com/2018/12/29/mic…
New Jersey AG has obtained evidence of possible crimes at Trump's golf club — and Mueller, FBI are involved in probe
This would mark the 18th different investigation Trump is under.
"...handed over fraudulent green cards and Social Security numbers that management at the club allegedly procured and gave his clients"
As legal walls close in, Whitaker refuses to recuse himself for exactly the reason he was appointed—to protect Trump. His defiance of DOJ ethics threatens to impede the Special Counsel, perhaps causing complicity in ongoing obstruction conspiracy. wapo.st/2BOSDUY
The Saudis have ceased offering new versions of their own account of these events.
But The Washington Post’s reporting raises many macabre questions. theatlantic.com/ideas/archive/…
Khashoggi's editor cheers for press freedom at Times Square New Year's Eve event hill.cm/Bv95XAS
Day 8 since Congress & Trump have not agreed on a spending bill.
Government agencies are now shut down.
More than 420,000 government workers to work without pay, including 41,000 federal law enforcement and correctional officers. #TrumpShutdown

— WH trying to make this Democrats’ fault without actually selling that.
— They are trying divide Schumer and Pelosi, with no luck
— Pelosi hasn’t heard from Trump in 18 days.
“He’s trapped,” Murphy said. “He’s playing poker holding two threes and suddenly putting all of his chips in. It’s pure emotion, the mark of a panicking amateur.” wapo.st/2ERCj9b
“What at first seemed like ho-hum political brinkmanship is looking more like a prolonged, punishing shutdown, more akin to the 27-day funding lapse in 1995 and 1996 than the blink-and-miss-it shutdowns earlier this year." nytimes.com/2018/12/28/us/…
This is a blatant lie.
Trump was offered $25 billion by Dems for the wall in exchange for legalizing Dreamers. Trump turned it down because he and Stephen Miller wanted deep cuts to legal immigration.
"White House officials say that Trump, who is concerned about the collapse of his own political support, feels good about his stance on the shutdown, and sees no urgency toward making a deal with the incoming Democratic majority." nytimes.com/2018/12/29/us/…
In the middle of a shutdown, Trump signed an executive order Friday eliminating a 2.1% pay raise for federal workers due to take effect in January
He thinks he's punishing "Democrats". They're Americans.
Mick Mulvaney: "[Trump] was trying to point out a political reality which is, let's face it - northern Virginia, southern Maryland, D.C., are heavily Democrat areas. Many of the government workers live in these heavily Democrat areas."
Palm Beach Post reports concern among those who paid $1,000 per ticket for New Year's at Mar-a-Lago: Will Trump show?
Regarding Trump's tweet about Strzok and Page, he has the facts wrong.
WaPo reports:
* There’s no evidence that any messages were deleted in order to hide them from investigators.
* The 19,000 messages referenced by Trump were found, not lost.
A TIME investigation found that ex-Russian intel officer Victor Boyarkin was a key link between Paul Manafort and a powerful Putin ally during the campaign.
"He owed us a lot of money," Boyarkin says. "And he was offering ways to pay it back." time.com/5490169/paul-m…
The former Russian intelligence officer, Victor Boyarkin, tells TIME that he has been approached by the office of Special Counsel Mueller.
Boyarkin's response to those investigators? Boyarkin tells TIME: "I told them to go dig a ditch."
Government submits sealed response to Supreme Court over mystery company fighting subpoena with possible ties to Mueller
Long live the Czar? Russian group wants Putin to be country’s monarch wsj.com/articles/czar-…
Abdullah Hassan, the 2-year-old son of a Yemeni woman who sued the Trump administration to let her into the country to be with the ailing boy, has died, an advocacy group said. apne.ws/iTR89Qg
The Pentagon announced Friday that Boeing was awarded a $400 million defense contract, just days after the company’s former top executive Patrick Shanahan was tapped by Trump to be acting Secretary of Defense.
Sen John Kennedy, a Louisiana Republican who serves on Banking Committee, said Trump and Fed chair Jay Powell should not hold a meeting. Trump, he said, should leave the Fed alone. wsj.com/articles/a-tru…
Trump pulled out of a massive trade deal. Now 11 countries are going ahead without the US
China's soybean imports from the US plunged to zero in November, marking first time since the trade war between the world's two largest economies started that China, the world's largest soybean buyer, has imported no US supplies. nbcnews.to/2EOt7T0
The EPA’s Latest Move Risks Exposing the Public to More Mercury – Mother Jones motherjones.com/environment/20…
Bush's former EPA chief is calling out Trump's dangerous climate change denial
Physician arrives in U.S. after Ebola exposure, taken to secure Nebraska facility.
Reminder: Trump was one of the chief scaremongers about Ebola during the Obama years. Now the Trump administration is facing its own Ebola challenges. politico.com/story/2018/12/…
The 41 most unreal Donald Trump quotes of 2018 | Analysis by CNN's Chris Cillizza cnn.it/2CEzMOd
Poll: Just 33 percent of voters would definitely or likely support Trump's reelection hill.cm/iqnxenH
Steve Cohen says Ways & Means will look at Trump's taxes & how much he paid — or if he got a refund.
"We very easily could've lost money with Trump. It might be beyond a refund, it might be the only time that somebody conned us out of more money." msnbc.com/the-last-word/…
In case you missed yesterday's thread:
The catalog of ways in which the president lies, tells falsehoods, evades or distorts truth > nyti.ms/2RlJddn?smid=n…