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Mar 10th 2023
JP Morgan, entirely relaxed about Silicon Valley Bank's transition from 'cash burn' to bank run
the question to me - maybe @RobinWigg has the answer - is why firesell US treasuries and agency when these are the easiest to repo and raise reserves?
Sillicon Valley Bank basically firesold 20% of its securities portfolio - the most liquid bits such as US government bonds - so it can meet deposit withdrawal requests that also draw down Fed cash (for settlement)
Read 12 tweets
May 2nd 2022
Few will read this,but wanted to #Timestamp this commentary. Listened to multiple podcasts and read multiple reports this weekend. It appears only the few remaining bears made money last week. Correlations between stocks, bonds, commodities,FX, etc all reverted to 1, and all
2/ went lower. Is the equity market oversold? Maybe. But zoom out and look at a weekly 10 yr chart. This drop may be just a scratch. The FED meets this week and the fear is they go major Hawk-75 bps and 95 bln B/S drawdown. My chips are on 50 bps and a 60 bln B/S
3/ reduction. It makes little difference, the bath tub is being drained. Valuations are going lower. Unprofitable tech is looking for buyers. CCC debt is looking for buyers (BBB too). This is a treacherous market. IMHO, rallies are to be sold. For the brave, selling
Read 5 tweets
Mar 9th 2022
Naomi Wolf - Full Address
at the @OxfordUnion

A beautiful, intelligent, well-spoken, and independent woman. Much to love about her.
via @YouTube
#Timestamp #NaomiWolf

This part is fascinating.
Read 7 tweets
Jan 9th 2022
If I say I'll do something, I do it.

I don't make excuses.
Your Right to Optimal Health Now and For Eternity - Liberty and Health Alliance #PeterMcCullough #petermcculloughmd…
This slide was part of the Joe Rogan interview.


"Vaccines don't stop transmission."

- Peter McCullough.
Read 10 tweets
Jan 6th 2022
#1756 - John Abramson · The Joe Rogan Experience

Listening today. John Abramson is interacting intelligently and objectively with Joe.

I like that Joe is taking more time to express himself. before asking his questions. And, then he listens.…
An important question answered is how a drug company owns the information related to the drug trial.

Only the drug company holds the data.
Read 14 tweets
Jan 1st 2022
A Brief History of Quantum Mechanics - with Sean Carroll via @YouTube
From this video.
Useful reference.

Read 4 tweets
Dec 23rd 2021
The danger of a military attack by Russia in the direct European neighborhood is permanent and the most recent escalation caused by its drastic troops mobilization will send a strong signal once again that a military attack could be imminent at any time. What’s Russia’s plan? /1
Russia‘s Putin is preparing for the „long game“, that is the systemic rivalry between USA and China. He seeks to upgrade his regional positioning by testing the American reaction (he knows that there won’t be a military involvement by US in Ukraine due to mid-term elections). /2
And at the same time, by showing muscle, Putin makes Russia an indispensable player, without which neither of the two rivals - USA & China, could win the future competition against each other. How many countries in the world could mobilize so many troops in such a short time? /3
Read 15 tweets
Jul 27th 2021
Aviso: Temporalmente fuera de servicio.
Voy a dar una explicación muy cortita de qué ha pasado, porque hay gente que no lo vivió en directo, que me pregunta y, hoy... los tuits de ataque, mágicamente han desaparecido.

Así es imposible dar contexto y creo que os merecéis una explicación antes de irme.

Vamos allá.
El 24 de julio, a 4:21, un compañero ingeniero muy importante en el sector de la divulgación y al que admiro mucho (pero con el que no había interactuado nunca, ni para bien, ni para mal), lanzaba esta perla ante sus más de 151.000 seg, totalmente desproporcionada y a mi yugular: A nivel técnico, 70% de las cosas que este señor dice son
Read 26 tweets
Apr 27th 2020
ICYMI back on Feb. 7, 2020, I published: "A Harvester of Sorrow – First Wave of the SARS 2.0 Novel Coronavirus" / #COVID19 #1918Pandemic #Pandemic #Coronavirus #SARS… Image
San Francisco had the 1918 flu under control. And then it lifted the restrictions #COVID19 #1918Pandemic #Pandemic #Coronavirus #SARS…
#COVID19 #1918Pandemic #Pandemic #Coronavirus #2ndWave no kidding, use summer as a time to prep just in case, no matter what anyone says, bc a virus is much smarter than any of you...
Read 318 tweets
Mar 25th 2020
All the doomers, America-haters, EU-haters, permabears, moralizing nutters, communists, and libertarians are crawling out of the woodwork due to the coronavirus.
However, I expect they will be proven wrong again. #timestamp #prediction
The coronavirus will not cause the collapse of society
Read 17 tweets
Mar 5th 2019
If we unilaterally remove tariffs because of no deal aggregate consumer prices will not fall. #timestamp
(However they might not rise as much as they would otherwise. Maybe.)
If it comes about and I’m wrong feel free to remind me. But remember aggregate consumer prices would need to be lower than they are now. (If I was to be really mean I’d stipulate lower than pre-referendum)
Read 3 tweets

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