During a radio interview, IMAM Dawud Walid, who has endorsed the killing of Jews (proof attached) LIED & pretended no IMAM's in America have called for the Death of Jews & Christians
Detailed video examples below (media hides them)
One sermon, Walid said: "When the Quran describes a slaughter of Jews at the hands of Muhammad's army, it isn't an indication of anti-Semitism,
The Jews had it coming"

The Mosque called for the DEATH OF JEWS:
"Count them one by one, & kill them down to the very last one. Do not leave a single one on the face of the Earth"
Several U.S Imams called for DEATH of Jews since Trump’s Jerusalem Announcement (Leftist Media Blackout)
Houston, TX Imam: "Judgment Day Will Not Come Until The Muslims Fight The Jews; The Muslims Will Kill The Jews"
N.C. IMAM: “Muhammad gave us the glad tidings that at the End of Time, we will fight those Jews”
This IMAM cited an antisemitic Hadith! This is not the words of an “extremist”, these words are from authentic standard mainstream Islamic text
Egyptian-born American IMAM Ammar Shahin, delivered a Friday sermon at the Islamic Center of Davis, in California,
IMAM Ammar Shahin called for the Annihilation of all the Jews!
This mosque is still in operation!
CAIR's Dawud Walid must have forgotten this Friday call to death:
Friday sermon delivered at the Islamic Center of Riverside, California, Sheikh Mahmoud Harmoush prays:
"Muslims & Allah destroy the evil Jews who are "Plotting to Take Over Mecca, Medina"
Around Rashida & Dawud's neck was draped the Palestinian war scarf, keffiyeh, The New Swastika
This is not a struggle against "occupation" - it's an ISIS inspired jihad to slaughter Jews & Israel