BIG CHALLENGE: you love Samskritam,are learning it & now want to start writing in Samskritam – but HOW?
This series is for folks like me - just starting out to write
*inspired by this thread below
यदि कदापि सहृदयानां मनसि लेखकः एव डम्मि इति चिन्ता उद्भवति स्यात्?🤪🤪
धैर्यं कथञ्चित् सङ्ग्रह्य एतत् शीर्षकं एवं दत्तवान्। 🙏🏼
All you can manage to write are sentences like ‘Rama reads”, “I go to temple” & “My name is Kalidasa”!
All the rights words are popping up in your mind, BUT unfortunately in the wrong language. Maybe in Hindi, Tamil, Axomiya or even Swahili! Everything except the Samskritam words you are hunting for…
Surely, people will now KNOW for sure that you are a comprehensive idiot!
You may benefit from this & end up like Kalidasa, not only answering “अस्ति कश्चिद् वाग्विशेषः” but go on to create ‘Kumarasambhavam 2’ or ‘Raghuvamsam 3–The Return of the Nandini!’
Like everything in life, a light touch helps us take stuff in our stride
So please avoid taking everything written here too seriously and do sprinkle a pinch of salt.
First things first, read and follow the Samskrita twitter and soak in the brilliance of the simple sentences used by the mahagyanis here.
There are many and I am attaching some handles to start you off!
Use liberally
This is a wonderful site that you can use to find words, synonyms, sentences etc.
This can also be used to unscramble sentences written by others
This easy site is a lifesaver to the beginner and is a MUST in your favourite list
Break up sentences
You don’t need to write complex sentences. Use bite sized pieces
Create complex ideas with a string of simple sentences.
Get started with simple and before you know it, you will be writing complex sentences
Don’t worry too much about spellings in the beginning
Ending with म् or Anusvara ? प्र or पृ,? It’s important to be correct but don’t fret too much in the beginning
You will pick it up along the way & there will always be folks who will nudge you in the right direction
Vibhakti – a big bugbear
Use रामस्य or रामाय? Use फ्रथम or द्वितीय? And what is all this Genitive/Dative stuff?
Shockingly, the vibhakti for the same phrase in your mother tongue doesn’t work with Samskritam!😡😡
Again, no worries. Few iterations and you will be OK
Definitely mug up vibhakti tables for common sound endings
You should know at least राम, हरि, गुरु, रमा, नदी, फलम्, सः सा, तत्, अहम्, त्वम् before you come in to bat
Similarly, mug up लट्, लृट्, लङ्, लोट् for parasmaipadi+atmanepadi. The more you know the better it is..
Use intelligent short cuts
If you don’t know the formal past tense, use क्तवतु as a great escape hatch: पठितवान्, पठितचती, पठितवत् instead of all the 9 past tense forms
Similarly, क्तवा, तुमुन् and the 7 क question forms (किम्, कुत्र, कदा, कति..) are life savers
Know standard rules like in Kartari sentences, Karta=1, Karma=2 and Verb=Karta & in Karmani, Karta=3, Karma=1 and Verb=Karma OR linga+vachana+vibhakti agrees in a Visheshya/Visheshanam combo
You will then understand the reasoning quickly when folks suggest corrections
Internalize the standard high frequency word combinations that help you write simple sentences
You will start to notice many of these combos in sentences & conversations
Soon enough, these catch phrases will stick in your mind. The only trick is more practice..
You will make horrendous mistakes & probably make less sense than a 3 yr old
You will cringe the moment you press that tweet button because you figured out a gross error!
But focus on your common mistakes, internalize them & make daily improvements
You will get there
लिखतु संस्कृतम् 🙏🏼
From @yaajushi