"Individual 2."
The text of the information points to a man named Felix Sater.
Cohen's letter, written in August 2017 to the Senate and House Intelligence Committees, says, "I primarily communicated with the Moscow-based development company...through a
The Moscow-born Sater was the managing director of the Bayrock Group, a real estate conglomerate, while the 👉🏼Trump SoHo building in Manhattan was being built.
👉🏼Bayrock was involved with the construction of the building
At one point in 2015, Sater told Cohen, "Our boy (Mr. Trump) can become president of the USA and we
💥Trump picked Mafia-linked stock fraud felon as senior adviser - 💥Chicago Tribune
His name has surfaced again after former Trump attorney Michael D. Cohen pleaded guilty to lying to Congress about a 👉🏼Russian real estate deal. newsday.com/news/nation/sa…
Sater has previously looked to pay for press coverage promoting his own personal interests.
👉🏼targets. Sater later said he had no recollection of that meeting.
In language that Cohen himself described to the
An insider describes the Bayrock Group, its links to the Trump family and its mysterious access to funds. It isn't pretty. (Sater is mentioned 89 times) bloomberg.com/opinion/articl…
After his financial disasters two decades ago, no U.S. bank would touch him. Then foreign money began flowing in. foreignpolicy.com/2018/12/21/how…
In lieu of the big banks, Bayrock helped to bring Trump back into real estate by supplying him with the equity stake he needed to entice new lenders for big projects, according to
Christopher Steele told a reporter that one real-estate deal might be key to understanding the collusion case. vanityfair.com/news/2017/11/c…
He needed money so desperately upon his release, he says, that he says he started working on 👉🏼“the dark side of Wall Street,” a reference to a so-called 👉🏼“pump-and-dump” stock scheme that reportedly defrauded investors of nearly $40 million
His company, Bayrock Group, rented office space in Trump Tower. Sater says he introduced himself to Trump in 2000 and began funneling development proposals to Trump’s desk shortly thereafter.
“I would bring him deals,” Sater said.
Cohen also makes clear that he engaged in communication directly with the Kremlin about the proposal during the 2016 presidential campaign. His statement says he wrote to the press secretary for Russian President Vladimir Putin

The Russian-born businessman says he visited Trump Tower last month for 'confidential' reasons. politico.com/story/2016/08/…
a separate lawsuit claimed that Trump SoHo was developed with the undisclosed involvement of convicted felons and financing from questionable sources in Russia and Kazakhstan. nytimes.com/2016/04/06/us/…
2008: David Bossie and the 2008 Election
David Bossie, a college dropout and former firefighter, has been a worker in the trenches for Republican issues for decades.
Bossie has prided himself in particular on being a Clinton family “researcher,” and his most
Which is the seed for “lock her up”
Once Spitzer was elected governor, a group of 👉🏼Republican-aligned power brokers went after him, tailing him with private detectives. They eventually caught him associating with a prostitute, a scandal that forced Spitzer to resign.
👉🏼Stone, who may well have been tipped off by one of his own prostitute friends. Stone is a notorious swinger and philanderer who has bragged about the high-class escorts he knew. In a well-crafted documentary on the subject,
2016: Erik Prince, Hillary Conspiracies, and the Seychelles Meeting
After selling Blackwater USA in 2010, Erik Prince established other mercenary ventures. Both he and his sister, Betsy DeVos, the future secretary of education, were major
He could be heard on Breitbart, angrily spouting wild, unsubstantiated allegations about the Clintons, including sex slaves being held on remote islands, but that just made him another right-wing kook.
This spring the New York Times
If Prince had been doing special favors for the Trump campaign behind the
Here’s the blueprint for Erik Prince’s $5 billion plan to privatize the Afghanistan militarytimes.com/news/your-mili…
“Erik Prince details Seychelles meeting with Russian banker “
Infamous Private Paramilitary Firm Blackwater Planning Comeback. First Stop: Syria
Erik Prince, ex-Navy SEAL and brother of Education Secretary Betsy DeVos, is offering Trump a way to both safeguard allies and pull troops out of the Mideast. Will he agree?
‘We are coming’: Chilling Blackwater ad triggers fears of Trump seeking to privatize Mideast wars—— problem with this??? It is dated December 28,2018!!! 💥💥💥 google.com/amp/s/www.rt.c…
Prince swept through the capital, meeting with influential political figures within and outside the administration of President Ashraf Ghani.
Part 3 (you can search the others with horror)
Trump/Russia Secrets, lies and useful idiots