It was passed by a 7-2 rulling.
Both a Republican & a Democrat opposed.
That means 3 out of 4 justices voted in favor of Roe. vs Wade.
Out of 9 justices there was only one Democrat one the bench. The had an opportunity to over turn R v. W, but they didn't.
Instead they ruled reenforcing abortion being protected by the 14th Amendment.
- 1981 to 1987
- 1995 to 2001
- 2003 to 2007
- 2015 to 2019
So far that's a total of 20 years out of the 46 since R v. W became law....
- 1995 to 2007
- 2011 to 2019
Again, out of 46 years since Roe v. Wade was decided Republicans have controlled the House for 20 of those years.
From 2001 until 2007, and then again 2017 to 2019 Republicans controlled the House, Senate, & the Presidency.
They could have, but didn't.
They had ample opportunity.
Ask yourself this: After 46 years...
Why is abortion still legal?
Why is Planned Parenthood still funded?
Why hasn't Roe vs. Wade been overturned yet?
They are quick to demonize those of the opposing political party while giving their own party a free pass when the share in responsibility.
If you have voted Republican anytime since 1970 the odds are you have voted for someone who has voted in favor of a bill that funded Planned Parenthood. #Truth