In addition to the ancient Assyrian astronomy I wrote about yesterday, I also wanted to touch on Indigenous Australian astronomy. - which really interests me.
It also pre-dates Assyrian astronomy, which is fascinating!
I'm drawn to how different cultures in different times in history have seen and used the sky.
Let me know of others too, so I can share their handles- am sure I am missing some great folks!
Well, a wide field of things I guess, including:
- The Emu that spans the arc of the Milky Way
- The canoe
- The different calendars used
- The recording of the Eta Carinae outburst
- The reflection in artwork
Stories of stars of war; colours in the sunset; the re-birth of the moon; the morning star + more
Thus whilst one culture might have seen an emu as a constellation, another may have not.
Even craters in Australia, the results of comet/asteroid impacts have played a role in dreamtime stories.
Note, there are so many more that I couldn't just cover in one thread, but I will add some links and resources to the end of this thread for further reading.…
It really is a fantastic subject!……… (lots of good links here)
(also, if I have stated something incorrectly above - sorry! Please let me know to correct and resend)