
and now right into public comment. the first commenter yields his time to city council candidate michael payne.

pretty weird that all these people with opinions about the budget have never been to a budget meeting.
you whiny bitches wanna talk about the free market, well here it is. you saturated it. don’t come to the city and ask for handouts and tax incentives.
“there is some complexity in unpacking... the city has many different investments”
she also asks people who address council to come with solutions “other than not taxing you”
again, for someone this concerned about the budget he sure has never been to any budget meeting or work session.
of homeslessness, “we are far too wealthy a city to have this” kind of problem
“it’s time for the very wealthy here to start paying their fair share”
“we have to protect the most vulnerable” members of the community

murphy says choosing the trout at maya would cost your family maybe an extra dollar, ultimately insignificant & unlikely to affect your choi

regarding occupancy rates, he says the city added 400 rooms last year. it’s simple supply and demand.
“every time one goes away, something else pops in there.”
he says the restaurant industry is quite healthy.

(i hate budget season)
(note that the meeting on the 16th is actually at 2pm, not 6pm)

discussion of the issue starts on p 154 of the agenda background
(i don’t know what that means)
everyone recognizes this will have to be after budget season 1J2P
they’re going to try to nail down a date in april for a joint session.
and now, closing public comment.
about this particular cut to the school budget & the potential loss of this grant money. nikuyah says they did not tell the schools what to 8oqR