On #IWD2019 I’m so proud of the concrete steps that @RachelNotley and our government have taken to make REAL, positive change for women.
Steps like:

Proclaiming May as Sexual Violence Awareness Month.
Increasing supports for survivors of sexual violence + increasing funding for women’s shelters. #IWD2019
We covered the cost of abortion pill so it is free to all women who need it. #IWD2019
We invested in community projects that boost women’s safety, women’s economic security, and leadership opportunities.
Speaking of leaders: thestar.com/calgary/2019/0… #IWD2019
Now, thanks to our government's call for all Albertans to apply, these boards are 50% women.
And women are leading elsewhere now too: calgaryherald.com/opinion/column… #IWD2019
We banned the mandatory wearing of high heels at workplaces across the province. Because, duh. #IWD2019
We brought in new protections against workplace harassment and violence. #IWD2019