Racists & Religionists are being manipulated but the purpose of the manipulation is MONEY!
Stealing Money
Stealing the wealth of the United States
Selling US secrets & technology
Privatizing US government so the rich can steal the assets & the 95% can go without

Dividing the US, literally, reaping her spoils
Religion IS the opiate of the masses.
Race, sex, & religion have been hot buttons since the beginning of Time

Destroying the US, stripping her assets & power, getting her out of their way while they consolidate the wealth of the world into their own hands
Race & religion are the tools
It's NOT in the best interest of common people to fight & die for the immorality of the rich: Ever.
We fought & died for the rich in every war in human history.
They convinced us to do it.
The Rich who enslaved African captives did so to enrich only themselves.
They were avoiding paying wages because it would decrease their wealth.
to protect their empires
They corrupted RELIGION to teach superiority to those who might oppose slavery on moral grounds
Racism convinced destitute whites slavery was better than WAGES
They taught FEAR to create support for keeping blacks permanently captive
The Rich installed Trump.
They are enflaming racism, sexism, false religion, the NRA...
They are brainwashing us with lies.
Destroying our government & our status in the world. Again.
To enrich themselves further.
To capture the wealth of the US & hoard it.
Enflaming ancient errors,
Tricking us into fighting their battles
Destroying the US,
So they can capture the wealth of the world.
This is a CLASS WAR:
It's not male vs female
White vs color
God vs Satan
It's the .01% and their minions against the 95%

Class War