6 years ago, 18 tweets, 7 min read Read on Twitter
1/ I consistently say "believe women." And I believe Lucy Flores when she says about Biden: "I don’t believe that it was a bad intention. I’m not in any way suggesting that I felt sexually assaulted or sexually harassed." talkingpointsmemo.com/news/flores-bi…
2/ So it's not about disbelieving sexual assault survivors. It's not about sexual assault at ALL. It's about a man famous for impulsive, demonstrative affection:

a) arguably crossing the line in terms of personal space

b) with EVERYONE, not just women:
3/ ... which would be a legit subject of discussion -- it's important that people, esp. women, never FEEL afraid or invaded --

... except that RWers have been using Biden's well-intentioned, affectionate hugs to dishonestly paint him as a creepy, pedophilic predator for YEARS:
4/ So when Flores and her supporters amplify what she ADMITS are nonsexual acts about behaviors everyone already knows of, they understand that they're amplifying a dangerous RW lie.

It's like "innocently" posting a pic of HRC entering a pizza parlor basement. It's freighted.
5/ It's one thing to tell your story. It's another to do so KNOWING it will be amplified + distorted by people already primed to twist it into accusations of perversion and pedophilia.

People like staffers with hyper-conservative liars Turning Point USA:
6/ ... who already are on record posting evil, dishonest shit like this:
7/ ... and who have a HISTORY of their lies and distortions being repeated, amplified and weaponized by Russia Today and Putin's entire bot army: washingtonexaminer.com/opinion/russia…
8/ ... (which already is happening again here)...
9/ And which also already is being twisted by Fox News:
10/ So why would Flores publicize this now, KNOWING it feeds a dangerous RW fable, KNOWING it will be picked up by Russian bots, when she ADMITS it isn't about sexual assault?

Flores, coincidentally, is a Sanders surrogate and Our Revolution board member:
11/ Crazy proposition: #MeToo and "Don't Be A Machiavellian Political Assferret Even If You're A Liberal Woman" are not inconsistent values.

• Yes, believe women.
• No, women shouldn't be made to feel uncomfortable.
• Yes, we should discuss these things...

• But NO, it is NOT OK for a Bernie Sanders surrogate/Our Revolution board member to hide behind #MeToo ethics while weaponizing the RW/Putin/Fox machines to smear a doofy but decent man like Biden over well-intentioned, admittedly NON-SEXUAL behavior.

That's evil.
PS4: The Christian Side-Hug: rationalwiki.org/wiki/Christian…
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