Trump stated that he needs to dump illegal aliens....
By saying "they are criminals and we can...
There is only one out: That Trump is so goddamn stupid he doesn't even know the laws that govern immigration, the laws he criticizes all the time. How can someone criticize the law...
Enough. Enough treating him like a demented fool. He is President. He said this. There are questions:
1. Trump has labeled children criminals and said he wants to dump on streets. Why does he consider them dangerous?
b. Will there be an age limit for how young a child can be before you dump them on the streets alone?
c. This is a direct violation of the court-enforced Flores decision that requires you to find them a safe place. How have you interpreted the Flores decision to allow... to ignore its primary points, which has been defined by the courts?
d. And if you did not mean all this, does the president not know immigration law?
e. Who is briefing him on immigration law?
f. If he doesnt know this basic element of immigration law, how can....
...Americans trust him when he criticizes the law.
g. If he wasn't talking about dumping kids, and if he does understand the law, why was Trump lying?
This one cannot slip by. Once you have a president openly proposing abusing children in violation of the law, it HAS.... be pursued. He is the president of the United States. If he knows the law, he is proposing what could amount to a serious crime, both federally and in the state, by violating Flores and abusing children through abandonment in streets.