#Venezuela #AttemptCoupInVenezuela #War #Warlords2019 #TheWorldWithVenezuela #ElMundoEstaConVenezuela #ElMundoEstaConVzla #Democracy #HumanRights #dignity #Peace #Love #Freedom #UNCharter
Inmenso honor haber sido recibidos por el hermano Presidente de la República Árabe🇸🇾,Bashar Al-Assad. Cuánta experiencia, sabiduría y consejos para la resistencia, la victoria y la Paz.Le transmitimos el abrazo solidario del Presidente @NicolasMaduro¡Que viva Siria!

#InPictures | During a two-day visit to #Syria, #Venezuela's Foreign Affairs Minister @jaarreaza said that #JuanGuaido's political party has been promoting violence and death in the Latin American country. #HandsOffVenezuela

🇻🇪 | Since its defeat at the National Constituent Assembly election, the 🇻🇪right has been organizing violent street acts as a substitute for its lack of popular support, Foreign Minister @jaarreaza said. #JuanGuaido #HandsOffVenezuela
#InPictures | Governments of #Venezuela and #Russia at the XIV High Level Intergovernmental Commission #CIAN

#Venezuela | Foreign Minister @jaarreaza informed #Syria that #JuanGuaido "has encouraged violence and death." #HandsOffVenezuela
Solidarity conference & movements in Syria show solidarity with Venezuela at the University of Damascus. Foreign Minister @jaarreaza is on visit.🇸🇾🇻🇪

#LIVE | President @NicolasMaduro thanks teachers and parents for keeping the education system running in the face of US attacks.

🇻🇪#Venezuela'n FM Jorge Arreaza will pay an official visit to 🇸🇾 on Thursday. FM will hold a press conference with his Syrian counterpart Walid Muallem. He comes to🇸🇾after visiting #Beirut where he held meetings with #Hezbollah leader Hassan #Nasrallah & #Lebanese PM

🇻🇪🇸🇾#Venezuela'n FM Jorge Arreaza and #Syrian President Bashar al #Assad held talks in #Damascus. The sides discussed bilateral relations between the two countries and noted the aggressive policies of some Western countries with interference in their internal affairs

US sanctions are crippling Venezuela, but they haven't been able to defeat the Boliviarian Revolution.
While Trump is threatening🇻🇪with MilitaryIntervention🇻🇪are organising to confront any threats they MayFace, both from Inside&outside the country. redfish was in Caracas to hear from those defending their revolution
Watch this Venezuelan woman spell out why U.S. "humanitarian aid" is not welcome in Venezuela.
For our full report on the Venezuela ignored by the mainstream media, click here: bit.ly/2FPoLKo
Greg Wilpert discusses Venezuela's economic crisis and its underlying factors.
Guaidó, the CIA backed puppet who @SpeakerPelosi & @realDonaldTrump both support cuz he will hand over the OIL to American Corporations, ventured into the working class section of Veny & was ATTACKED By Poor Venezuelans In the Barrio
#FromTheSouth News Bits | Videos circulating suggest deserters are receiving training as part of the so-called "Freedom Operation" announced by the opposition figure #JuanGuiado.
#Venezuela #Colombia #HandsOffVenezuela buff.ly/2Ugektg
A🇻🇪living comfortably in NewYorkCity is devastated to learn that thousands of her fellow citizens will not die today under the benevolent DonaldTrump’s TomahawkMissiles nor will her country be GroundZero for WarBetween NuclearPowers. 😥🎻
"We are fighting against Imperialism.Against rich people that want our country,that want us as slaves.That want our oil,our water.But we will win.This isn't a fight against Maduro,this is a fight against people that are trying to be free."
@AmbJohnBolton thank you #warmonger for rt:he got another flw:me.Did you say🇨🇺?Castro+#SalvadorAllende reminds you of something?If YouWantOil FromOtherCountries to please your boss,RollUpYourSleeves& FindTheOil well in your🏠!#guaidoinjail

By @GilbertGreg647o
"U.S. ratchets up pressure on Venezuela, Cuban backers" - reuters.com/article/us-ven… …
So the fart face Mike Pence is continues to beat up on Nicholas Maduro. Hey fart face pick on your own size.
March 1of3 already 2 blocks from Miraflores. Av. Urdaneta. #6Abril #6Abr #ConMaduroMeResteo #HandsOffVenezuela #OperacionLibertad #PuebloEnDefensaDeLaRevolucion #PuebloVictoriosoYEnMarcha
The march of Chavism that the mainstream media does not show. This is Urdaneta Avenue in Caracas at 1:50 pm on this # 6april. # PuebloEnDefensaDeLaRevolución
Cartoon by @LatuffCartoons. The @nytimes has never found an imperialist intervention it could not get behind.
VA's Lucas Koerner & Ricardo Vaz recently tore apart the NYT's "pathological deceit"concerning the role of🇨🇺doctors in Venezuela: venezuelanalysis.com/analysis/14406

If Guaidó & the US believed that Chavismo was dead,they must have taken tremendous disappointment after verifying that this Saturday a real red tide came out in #Caracas.The sun can’t be hidden with the means #PuebloEnDefensaDeLaRevolucion
Don't miss the second documentary produced by @alboradafilms for @redfishstream, focused on popular self-defense units in @venanalysis
Venezuelan living in New York heartbroken that @realDonaldTrump didn't deliver on a threat to unleash death & chaos on her home country. As Victor Jara once sang "The rich have always been foreigners. Let them go to Miami with their aunts"
Imperial arrogance sums it up
@maduro_en called for redoubled labor to counter US sanctions against the Venezuelan people
#Venezuela | Bird’s-eye view showing thousands of #Chavistas taking part in the Anti-imperialist #march Saturday in #Caracas in support of the legitimate government of @NicolasMaduro. #HandsOffVenezuela
Cheerleaders gonna cheer... Opposition that is strongly supported in middle class areas of east Caracas held a march starting from several middle class areas in East Caracas. So much for widespread support...
"Bastante pueblo hay aquí bastante cojones hay aquí yanqui saca tus manos de aquí"
"Quite a town here, there's a lot of balls here, Yankee, get your hands out of here"
Chavismo also mobilized in other states today. These pictures are from Anzoátegui
Latin Americans fear precedent set by legal justification for Syria intervention theguardian.com/world/2019/apr…
Thank you to all who came out to the 🇻🇪embassy in DC last night in solidarity with the people of 🇻🇪, 🇮🇷, Korea, 🇵🇸,🇵🇭 & more! Wonderful people, speeches, performances, & discussions. Peace and love! #HandsOffVenezuela #PeaceWithIran

It is always so special to be surrounded by folks who are committed to peace and justice worldwide. Our movement is as important as ever!

What do we want?
When do we want it?
(Yes, this means an end to US imperialism & endless wars pronto. The people of the world deserve better!) #HandsOffVenezuela
NY TIMES Publishes CIA Propaganda On Venezuela
Two🇻🇪,known best for their affinity for playing make-believe on a grand stage, join forces for a beachside seafood plate.Receiving💰💰monthly from colluding foreign entities/scams:They want you to know what it's really like under the terrible DictaduraComunista!

These anti-imperialist Venezuelan soldiers have a message for Trump.
'Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro said on Saturday that cyber attacks against Venezuela’s electricity system, had come from US actors through channels in Colombia and Chile.'
fort-russ.com/2019/04/maduro… #HandsOffVenezuelaTrump
April 7
Mexico´s Workers Party held a large seminar on Sunday to show support for #Venezuela and #Cuba as they face a hostile blockade by western nations, led by the #US regime.
Joanna Hausmann: Making #Trump’s coup more palatable for millennials.
But there’s plenty she hasn’t disclosed.
April 8
The Islamic Republic of #Iran announced that direct flights have begun to the #Venezuelan capital of #Caracas.
Venezuelan Foreign Minister @jaarreaza delivered a speech in which he highlighted several important meetings on his trips to Africa, Europe, and the Middle East.
#Brazil | #Bolsonaro said he was working with the #US in order to destabilize the #Venezuelan Army.
#US | Secretary of State #MikePompeo will travel to Chile, Paraguay, Peru and Colombia, from April 11 to 15, to promote President #DonaldTrump's interventionist agenda against Venezuela's President #NicolasMaduro.
#Venezuela | Foreign Minister Jorge Arreaza @jaarreaza said that his country will continue to send #oil to #Cuba despite the #US sanctions on vessels transporting oil to the #LatinAmerican island.
President @evoespueblo said that #Bolivia would be opening an embassy in Ankara within weeks. The two leaders also agreed on exponentially increase bilateral trade
#LastMinute | President of #Venezuela @NicolasMaduro meets with representatives of the International Committee of the #RedCross

"The adoption of this resolution is a pyrrhic victory for a group of countries, without real effects and with potentially negative consequences for the OAS and its institutionality," Ambassador Jorge Lomonaco said
Hillary Clinton once laughed saying“we came, we saw, he died”following🇱🇾’s Gaddafi’s murder by her jihadist rebels.
Now🇺🇸televangelist Pat Robertson openly calls for the killing of 🇻🇪’s Maduro with a drone.
They can’t get enough of war.
@NicolasMaduro @dcabellor @vladimirpadrino @RT_com @MaxBlumenthal @EvaKBartlett @madeleintlSUR @telesurenglish @PressTV @cardenas1966 ce399fascism.wordpress.com/2011/05/13/pat…
Did the NY Times violate its own ethical code to feature factually flawed video screed by the daughter of noted Venezuelan coup plotter? thegrayzone.com/2019/04/09/nyt…
- support a coup in🇻🇪
- publish FAKE NEWS about🇻🇪
- Don’t accept the President who was legitimately elected by the🇻🇪people,but accepts a Nobody, leader of a group of guarimberos that commits crimes in🇻🇪
- how did you support in🇮🇶?1 million Killed, 1.6 million internally displaced & 1.8 million refugees🤬
- how did you support in🇸🇾?570,000 killed, ≥7,600,000 internally displaced & ≥5,116,097 refugees🤬

#Live | #UnitedStates Vice President #MikePence intervenes at #UnitedNations Security Council in New York. #HandsOffVenezuela
Follow live here: bit.ly/2Kq2YOZ

#Live | #Russia's Permanent Representative to the #UnitedNations Vasily Nebenzya: "You're grabbing #Venezuela by the throat with these sanctions."
Follow live here: bit.ly/2Kq2YOZ

#Live |#China Ambassador Liu Jieyi at the #UnitedNations Security Council: "China has been following the developments in #Venezuela closely, in the hope that the🇻🇪affairs be handled internally."
Follow live here: bit.ly/2X1F4KK

#Live|#Venezuela's #UN Ambassador @SMoncada_VEN: "I think it is called upon us to speak on the falsehoods that have been spoken about🇻🇪. Yesterday what happened to promote a coup d'etat, the🇺🇸is attempting to pillage our resources."

#Live | #Venezuela's #UnitedNations Ambassador @SMoncada_VEN: "Venezuelan people are giving an example to the whole world of how to fight against international interventionism."
Follow live here: bit.ly/2X1F4KK

“The Bank of England (@bankofengland) is recognizing a puppet govt that doesn’t control a single street... This is not an independent bank.” #Venezuela at #UNSC

Global banking cartel International Monetary Fund denies Venezuelan government $400 million in held cash. Ricardo Hausmann says the money will only be available when coup frontman Juan Guaidó is installed as president. bloomberg.com/news/articles/…
IMF meddles in Venezuela politics exposes itself as Arm of US deep state
#Live | #Venezuela's #UN Ambassador @SMoncada_VEN: "The humanitarian situation in Venezuela has to be solved, but if we make a mistake in the diagnosis, we will also be mistaken in its relief."
Follow live here: bit.ly/2X1F4KK

#Live|#Venezuela's #UN Ambassador @SMoncada_VEN: "If it were true that the🇻🇪govt is killing its people,why are the countries increasing this offensive wave against the🇻🇪people? The🇺🇸wants to justify its invasion."

#Live | 🇻🇪's #UN Ambassador @SMoncada_VEN: "@VP, if you were well informed, you would know that #health has improved in🇻🇪, but if you keep repeating figures from previous years, we will lie to the whole world."

#Live | #Venezuela's #UnitedNations Ambassador @SMoncada_VEN: "Venezuelan people are giving an example to the whole world of how to fight against international interventionism."
Follow live here: bit.ly/2X1F4KK

#Live |🇻🇪's #UN Ambassador @SMoncada_VEN: "What the🇺🇸has tried so far isn’t humanitarian aid, but a covert invasion, which incites a military uprising & a civil war. That is what that government specializes in."

In today's #UNSC the #UnitedStates Vice President #MikePence told #Venezuela’s Ambassador #SamuelMoncada “with all due respect, you shouldn’t be here”.
#Live | #Venezuela's #UnitedNations Envoy @SMoncada_VEN gives a press conference: "Mike Pence lied about what happened yesterday and came to demand that we be removed from the UNSC."

#Live | #Venezuela's #UnitedNations Envoy @SMoncada_VEN gives a press conference: |Latin Americans are always treated in the most imperialistic way. We reject them, we express our independence. We are not subordinated to anyone.

#Live | #Venezuela's #UnitedNations Envoy @SMoncada_VEN gives a press conference: "We have managed to expose the reality of Venezuela to all of the international community, to the media and even to our own people".

#Live | #Venezuela's #UnitedNations Envoy @SMoncada_VEN gives a press conference: "President #Maduro does not torture its people, what is happening is that there is an ongoing war against Venezuela and even they denounce it".

#Live | #Venezuela's #UN Envoy @SMoncada_VEN gives a press conference: "The campaign of harassment works in the OAS, since it has a secretary who actually calls for a war against #Venezuela, that simply isn't going to work here".

#Live | #Venezuela's #UN Envoy @SMoncada_VEN gives a press conference: "There is a person whose name is #JuanGuaido, the self-proclaimed president, but there is no official document that acknowledges him as the president of #Venezuela.

#Live | #Venezuela's #UnitedNations Envoy @SMoncada_VEN gives a press conference: "If you really are humanitarian, then you shouldn't go against the people, as the Yankees do, as the #US does.

#Live|#Venezuela's #UN Envoy @SMoncada_VEN gives a press conference: "Every week we have a massive cooperation program with #Russia & #China. Different kind of products arrive to🇻🇪That's something that the rest of the world doesn't see.

#Live|#Venezuela's #UN Envoy @SMoncada_VEN gives a press conference: "There's no humanitarian crisis in🇻🇪.We have structures, a government, we want to work with the rest of the🌐, but others maliciously use the term humanitarian crisis."

#Live | #Venezuela's #UnitedNations Envoy @SMoncada_VEN gives a press conference: "We reject the term humanitarian crisis since it is dangerous and calls for an interference".

#Live | #Venezuela's #UnitedNations Envoy @SMoncada_VEN gives a press conference: "The UK is stealing our gold and now they're saying that they will donate 9 million dollars to the poor children of Venezuela, they're hypocrites".

#Live | #Venezuela's #UnitedNations Envoy @SMoncada_VEN gives a press conference: "They are waging an #economicwar on #Venezuela, pay attention to what #ElliottAbrams is doing".

#Live|🇻🇪's #UN Envoy @SMoncada_VEN gives a press conference:"Saturation bombing doesn't work. Do sanctions work?Venezuela hasn't fallen,our spirit is growing stronger,we are answering to that attack. We are in the middle of this battle."

#Live | #Venezuela's #UnitedNations Envoy @SMoncada_VEN gives a press conference: "We are going to demonstrate that no sanction can hurt our people."

#Venezuela #AttemptCoupInVenezuela #War #Warlords2019 #TheWorldWithVenezuela #ElMundoEstaConVenezuela #ElMundoEstaConVzla #Democracy #HumanRights #dignity #Peace #Love #Freedom #UNCharter