Instead of asking, “Should the Boston Bomber have the right to vote?”
Try, “Should a nonviolent person stopped w/ a dime bag LOSE the right to vote?”
Bc that question reflects WAY more people.
- Slavery ➡️ Jim Crow + Redlining ➡️ War on Drugs ➡️ Mass Incarceration
- Black Americans & PoC are far more likely to be convicted + sentenced longer than White Americans for similar crimes.
- Our system routinely criminalizes poverty + exonerates wealth
-We “shouldn’t” have school-to-prison pipelines,
-We “shouldn’t” sentence poc more than white people for similar crimes,
...but we do.
We’re so eager to talk about punishment, but correcting our injustices is “controversial.”
Swear it’s like we’re back to encouraging 1st grade readers when it comes to some “pundits.”