Brexit Party Soars In European Parliament Polls, Well Ahead Of Remain Parties - Labour, Cons, LibDems, Greens & NoChangeUK…

What everyone should know about the Oligarchs plot to control the world
Part 1.
The Rise of the Round Tables (1864-1945).…
Cecil Rhodes
Alfred Milner
Lord Rothschild
One World Government

The purpose of the EU is to control Europe & Europeans for the Bankers.
Origins and Agenda of the anti democracy EU & Globalist Bilderberg Group. First meeting in 1954 was attended by ex-Nazis, Bankers, Oligarchs & CIA

The Trilateral Commission was set up by David Rockefeller & Zbigniew Brzezinski in the 1970's and actively set out to cause Societal & Economic Collapse for the 99% & Wealth Transfer to the Oligarchy.
They've been VERY successful.

The Globalist World Bank & IMF institutions were set up after WW2 to keep the Third World impoverished & under the control & exploitation of US & UK Banks & Multinationals through Debt Slavery.
It replaced the traditional form of Colonialism.

IMF & World Bank "loans" are issued with stringent conditions which impoverish the 99% while enriching a few domestic Oligarchs & corrupt politicians.
"Development" Contracts are issued to US & Western Corporations.…

The CIA is used to:-
Overthrow any Regimes that oppose Neoliberal Globalism
Enrich Wall Street, Western Bankers, US Multinationals & Oligarchs
Increase the Wealth & Power of the Military Industrial Complex
Control foreign Despots & politicians

The CIA is a Globalist Tool & has actively interfered on many occasions in Europe, murdered many Europeans & overthrown many European governments:
E.G. Greek Civil War 1946-49, Operation Gladio in Italy, recruiting al-Qaeda & ISIS.

The EU is another form of Colonialism for the Globalists.
The most corrupt politicians are promoted to positions of power in the EU.
It suppresses wages for lower & middle incomes.
It is completely anti democratic & controls the 99%.

The Euro was set up in 1999 to control Europeans through Debt Slavery.
Artificially lowering interest rates, encouraged massive increases of government, Corporate & personal debt and caused the "Financial Crisis" from 2008.

The EU is now completely controlled by Goldman Sachs, the ECB & their Globalist allies.
Mario Draghi now ECB chief, is ex-Goldman Sachs who got Greece into the Euro in 1999 through brazen financial fraud, lying about Greek gov finances.

For the last 150 years the whole purpose of Globalism has been to transfer all Wealth and Power to the Oligarchs, in an authoritarian completely undemocratic One World Government.
The EU is a key plank in these plans.…

The BBC is a major propaganda tool for the Globalists.
Basically you don't get employed at the BBC unless you are a rabid supporter of the EU.
The BBC constantly tells brazen lies to pursue the aims of the Globalists and deceive the 99%.

All major media in the US, the UK , the EU and the West are controlled by the CIA & its Globalist Western intelligence allies.
See this recent thread detailing why the West does NOT have a #FreePress
The Globalists supported the Neocons in their insane Neocon Wars in order to create a massive refugee crisis and destabilize Europe for the next stage of their plans.

The EU is now openly pursuing the authoritarian plans for Corporate & Oligarch control that have been their aim all along:-
The UN's "#GlobalCompactForMigration" passed in December 2018 mandates the EU accepting millions of illegal migrants.

The EU passed Article 17 "previously Article 13" for Mass Censorship of the Internet in April 2019, to suppress the Truth about the EU & prevent dissent against it…
The EU is now actively pursuing the "European Army" which Nick Clegg called a "kooky Conspiracy Theory" in 2015.
Theresa May has already signed away control of the UK armed forces to this "European Defence Force" under the control of Brussels

The purpose of the "European Army" is not to defend Europe.
It is to oppress Europeans under the yoke of the Globalists & take what Macron is doing to the #GiletsJaunes to the next level.
#Censored by the #BBC
The Globalists have actively pursued WW3 with Russia for years now.
This is designed to further destabilize & impoverish Europe.
The EU "leaders" such as Merkel, Juncker & Tusk are active & willing participants.