Unlike Alex Jones, people actually died from those lies.
You just pushed a complete hoax - Russia collusion.
Why aren't you banned?
No one pushes more hatred and fake news than Corporate Big Media, which we call the Big Media Hate Machine, for a reason.
For example...
Fake news meant to incite hatred amongst the races for political power.
Donald Trump called white nationalists "fine people"?
Fake news meant to incite hatred amongst the races for political power.
I could go on and on and on.
Fake news meant to incite hatred amongst the races for political power.
Think I'm being too harsh? Look at these tweets from our friend @JussieSmollett. He sure as hell believed it.
Say it with me --> #BigMediaHateMachine.

Mediates called it "Hitlerian" and racist.
No one incites more hatred and violence -- with lies and fake news -- than the #BigMediaHateMachine.
A total lie pushed to smear teenage kids for what purpose?
You guessed it... to incite hatred amongst the races for political power.
Say it with me —> #BigMediaHateMachine