Markham Hislop (@politicalham) has written an article in which he claims to have “debunked” my work.
Some have asked me to respond. Glad to. Will do so now.
First, a bit of history. Might as well start with this series of tweets from October, 2016 ...

Markham has called me a kook, a loony, a conspiracy nutbar, a scoundrel, and an “empty mouthpiece for the oil industry.”
Markham has referred to my work as nonsense, “crazy theories,” “tin foil hat stuff,” “conspiracy crap.”
Markham has also said, “Krause makes zero sense...” and “there is no evidence to support Krause's argument..." and “Viv is dead wrong on every conclusion she draws from her research data. Just how wrong? Really, really wrong.”
And so on ...
Markham tweeted that he'd keep an open mind and let the evidence dictate his conclusions about me.
In light of what he's tweeted about me, I decided that it is unlikely that he would be open-minded about me. This is why I decided to not respond to his questions.