The panel is:
@catherinemep - Lib Dem
@JohnHowarth1958 - Labour
@Eleanor87014202 - Change UK
@EliseDB - Green
@Pacellitheukeu1 - UK EU party
Follow the hashtag #euDecideReading


Talks about how the world is looking on, wondering what is going on, how our reputation is damaged.
Frustration from EU colleagues that there is no plan.

The more Brexit Party MEPs you get in the EU, the less of a voice Britain will have there.
Climate Change, loss of biodiversity.
She starts by taking about how many voters in Oxford she spoke to in the run up to the 2016 referendum.
How Greens were the first to have the idea of a people's vote and first to highlight detrimental effects of austerity.

Climate change is one of the things driving migration and displacement.
Standing together with greens in the EU, who realise the EU needs to change.
Say we can't continue with business as usual.
Yes to Europe, no to climate change.
A union that leads the world in protecting people and the planet.
Talks about considering the values of the candidates and of the parties.
First point is tax justice - something that can only be dealt with through the EU parliament.

Says that Labour is better able to deal with climate action as part of one of the largest groups in the European Parliament.
Says that voting for Labour is the best way to stop Brexit.
Says that Labour is the only reason we are still in the EU at the moment
Says that we have to remain at the top table where international decisions are being made - which means remaining in the EU.
Brexit battles that have absorbed the country have become very ugly.

Talks of a new politics based on values and evidence. Every member of the party supports remaining and a people's vote.
Says that the important thing is to maximise the remainder vote later this week.
Suggests that a tactical vote may make sense of you are undecided.
Says it is important to stress the difference between the remain parties.
They were the first party to advocate revocation of Article 50.
Questions such as EU membership are to complex to be put to the public.

The nature of the leave campaign had anomalies, misleading statements & fraud.
This means the referendum does not need to be respected.
Belief that EU needs to be reformed and that for greater transparency we need to charge the way that the EU works.
@JohnHowarth1958 days that calling for a People's Vote straight after referendum was problematic. Antagonised those who voted leave.
Government didn't use their mandate sensibly though, but played to extremes, wrecking their chances of consensus.
It's legitimate to go back to the people and doesn't go against democracy.
We must never give in to poor democratic process or to Farage & his fascist friends.
There are two democratic mandates (parliament and referendum) that have clashed.
People voted in angry way to give the government a kicking.
There is no good brexit.
The is no such thing as a soft Brexit - you are still out
Now we know what the something else (other than remain) looks like it should go back to the people.
STV would be better.
Suggest that voting for @LibDems is the best way to avoid splitting the vote and send the message to stop Brexit.
Says that the Brexit party is only scooping up Tory votes.
It's about different political platforms.
Hard to run on a joint list when parties have fundamental differences with each other on climate, freedom of movement etc.
Says it's about who will represent what you believe in for the next 5 years in the EU Parliament.
If Labour is weakened, he thinks it will weaken the case against Brexit.
Thinks turning it into a proxy referendum is a bad idea.
Big difference is in his party's policy for revoke.
On revocation - What started with the people has to end with the people.
Not sure which group Change UK would join in the EU yet.
That the green movement is their focus.
Opposed TTIP while Lib Dems were in the secret talks.
A common manifesto across the EU.
Funding for just transition - communities in carbon based jobs to move to the new economy.
Talks about making sure a second vote is not seen as an insult to people.
Lobbyists convincing MEPs to vote for things that harm our society.
Says that the content creators don't get paid - just Google and Facebook.
Says that it is about representing working people.
Says that they will fight for regulations that work for ordinary people.
Abstained at end because there were some good bits, but parts that she could not support.
Difficult issues are often not black and white.
Brief summing up from @BerkshireforEU
Thanks everyone who helped organise this enjoyable and informative event.