It’s another thing to be an obstinate asshole who can never acknowledge his own shortcomings.
And they say why equate Trump and Bernie?
Both are self-absorbed assholes.
Hillary took responsibility for the failures of the whole Dem Party
She took responsibility for Bill’s failures and Obama’s.
People blamed her for everything Dems did since she was FLOTUS.
These weak men can’t take that weight.
Bernie hides his hands when he votes for a crime bill.
Has he actually accomplished anything for anybody all this time he’s been getting paid by the “establishment”?
he just promises shit he’ll do ONLY if you give him the POTUS job.
Sound familiar?
People tried that in 2016.
infrastructure’s crumbling,
everybody’s working side jobs,
and Bernie’s barely doing the job he gets paid to do
cause he’s running around collecting donations and writings books?
How come he and the Trump crime fam benefit?
even if it’s just a little bit cuz muhfuckas still sweatin her when they need excuses.
But I do know who has been coming thru we need them,
Fuck everybody’s big ideas and plans and policy proposals,
1. You ain’t gettin none of that shit done by yourself.
2. It ain’t gonna be the exact thing you sayin now anyway
3. If it’s a good plan people gonna use it anyway
4. Dems have a platform
So the next thing is what have you been doing while this unfit criminal’s been destroying the country?
You been out becoming a millionaire?
Buying houses and voting against Russian sanctions?
Lying about your last campaign and blaming HRC?
Who smacked who, during the Trump shutdown?
Who stopped money from being wasted on a stupid wall?
Who got Kavanaugh to lie under oath?
Who exposed Barr in court to the point he’s been scared to show up ever since then?
Certain women did that.