You don’t have half an idea of what Mind
is capable of.
Read this thread.
Integrate this thread.
Live this thread.
*Don't say you weren't invited to the party.
in your sensations of the immediate environment,
in your immediate thoughts and emotions.
Presence is about now. To be present is to be in the now.
Seems obvious, doesn’t it?
Feeble-minded spiritualists, dim-witted pseudointellectuals & half-baked savants will tell you this is all there is to it.
They're telling you to seek liberation in the cozy embrace of a straightjacket.
And they are dead wrong.
What if the present moment contains the paths of the past and the potentialities of the future?
You become present when you are removed, unattached from your speculations and opinions and expectations about the future,
NOT from the Fabric itself.
Without the semantics and the attachments;
Existence undimmed and unadulterated.
The true power of the present moment is nothing like that. It goes much further than diving into your immediate sensations more deeply and directly.
Presence amplifies perception by taking you out of the conscious and unconscious habits of looking too deeply into the now or away from it.
you must remove from the mind your semantic thoughts and judgements and attachments –
all the ego junk you waddle about day in and day out.
The cognitive functions anchored in the present become available alongside the cognitive functions reaching into the Fabric.
you experience the budding potentialities just as firmly as the ground beneath your feet,
and you do experience that ground more vividly and joyfully.
or any semantics of the sort.
It’s about direct perception, like your sight and hearing is direct perception.
You don’t see in words, do you?
Your heightened present Awareness makes it possible to *cause* the future.
Because High Awareness requires purity of perception and detachment from your opinions about it.
The moment itself contains the infinite superpositions of past and future.
You’d start “thinking” and speculating about it and get lost in your thoughts and opinions.
They are figments of ego attachment, which we must cease in order to achieve the transcendent moment.
we find ourselves locked into a linear narrative,
we become attached to the inner monologue of ego,
we are mired in the semantics of thoughts and judgements.
That’s why the teachers are telling you to look in the now.
It already contains everything.
You don’t need to somehow add the future to it –
unless you want to MAKE a future happen.
the mind becomes hyperenergized, and that energy is palpably unsettling to people with particularly weak minds.
I’ve had experiences where people would basically run away just because I smiled at them.
The sweeping away of mental fog and achievement of clarity that you experience when you stop
eating sugar,
breakfasting like a baby and
ingesting synthetic toxins
is child’s play by comparison.
Not everyone enjoys working out.
You can’t go to the bar or your office while running and lifting, can you?
But you can be fasted anywhere.
becomes more easily accessible and sustainable in fasted condition.
If you fast, make time to meditate.
Seek to energize the mind, but not with words and “thinking”.
Simply energize it and open yourself to perception.
you can meditate while running, walking and even swimming.
Just don’t get hit by a car or eaten by a shark.
Meditate with your eyes open.
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