@jameskirkup and others... /2
To be clear, the piecemeal 'time-table idea is already IN the Irish protocol... /4
So this is not 'lipstick on the pig'. It IS the pig. /5

If this is the EU 'offer' it cannot deliver the stable majority that Boris (or whoever) needs to convince the EU to make concessions. This is a chicken-egg dynamic that crippled May too. /6
Why so? .... /7

If that is the expectation London, we're sunk..../15
So it may well be that Boris or whoever can't sell this at home; can't find a majority and is back where May was - defined as sellout/traitor to cause /16
Northern Ireland politics is "allergic to deadlines", so a time-limit becomes a 'border poll countdown'..../18
We are still essentially talking about massaging over May's deal...one, as I've said, that was created by gravity, not strategy. /19
May couldn't do it. Perhaps Boris can..as the real threat of a 'no deal' closes in. But I'm not betting on it /20ENDS