I feel like returning to my debate days. Let's go LINE BY LINE
I wrote about CARLOS MAZA'S POWER, not Steven Crowder's remarks. Complaining about my topic choice is not a rebuttal.
Wrong. I am not using Carlos Maza's enthusiasm for tortious conduct to discredit his arguments.
I'm *identifying a double standard* and *using it as a jumping off point to examine Maza's privilege.*
That's very myopic! I can think of quite a few other arguments
Like the ones in the piece @casersatz never addressed
Weirdly, almost none of them have made serious calls for Maza to be banned from Twitter.
While Maza goes for @scrowder's head.
See the difference yet?
If you would like to support this outstanding framing work, you should subscribe to @HumanEvents asap
Not so.
Maza very nearly got Crowder banned from YouTube
While Crowder had ZERO shot of getting Maza banned from Twitter
That power differential reveals Maza's privilege
Trying to suggest that I'm arguing Maza was "born into privilege"
LOLOL dude clearly not
Notice he stopped excerpting my piece here
Because here he's being straight-up lazy, if not dishonest
It's a nuanced analysis, taking into account Maza's gay and latino identities AND his profession as a journalist
We take intersectionality seriously at @HumanEvents!

That's true, and precisely my point! Power and privilege are not static, they change over time!
It's the left that's gotten myopic, and viewing power through a static, decades-old lens
He concedes that Maza has real power, but tries to argue that it's "democratic, not inherited."
1) Who cares, it's still power
2) By this standard, the Clintons and Obamas aren't aristocrats
Cramped and arbitrary
He argues that while @scrowder has epithets he can throw at @gaywonk, the inverse isn't true
Maza calling everyone to the right of Jeb! a far-right white-nationalist misogynist seems to refute that
He hasn't
EVEN IF Maza is not an aristocrat @casersatz has conceded the existence of a power differential
Which is what making platform access a civil right would solve
Because @casersatz's "democratic/inherited" distinction is silly
Also, next time tag me bro