No matter who you talk to, schools and education system will be criticised by everyone. Even the uneducated.
There is no alternative to "system" for average person and their children.
Please read on ONLY if you are not looking for another way to get your kid into IITs and Govt Medical Colleges.
1. Anxiety about children's future (belief that world is terrible)
2. Fear of missing out if you don't do everything and more
3. Peer pressure (yes, it affects parents more than kids)
Combination of greed and anxiety makes you panic and do things that you KNOW to be wrong.
Kids should finish homework on the same day that's all.
Getting them to do housework and cooking everyday is the most valuable education. Don't miss that part.
Looking after elders in the house is children's job when parents are not around/working.
Let the child read stories, learn languages, draw, paint, sculpt, scribble, cook, sing, play and instrument as long as they want.
Get them to repair stuff at home with you.
Make sure that there is designated self/home study hour (30-40min) when child is at his desk.
Industrial scale teaching is how it is. Even when you pay 10L a year and class size is 10-15.
Facing peer pressure of "sharmaji ka beta" is your real task as parents. Don't outsource it to your kids.
Your main aim is to keep alive curiosity, confidence, self reliance and experimentation ability in your child till they are atleast 10yr old.
Be very wary and alert.
All civilised debates welcome.
Please remember sample size of "my child and his friends" has serious limitations.