Who here is tired of hearing the #prochoice argument?
"You're in a fertility clinic with only enough time to save 100 embryos or a child."
In this thread, here is why that argument is not valid from any perspective.
Imagine you're a first responder to an emergency like the one mentioned in the scenario above. If the inferno is so great that you could only pick one to save, then it is not likely you be sent into the building, due to risk of structural collapse. cdc.gov/niosh/docs/wp-…
But what if hypothetically, you get separated from that team?
Then your goal would be to immediately flee the building, according to one book about firefighter skills. Procedure would require you to save yourself, instead of either the child or embryos.

But ignoring the procedures, what if you had to save either the child or embryos?
In that case, the triage classification of patients would then become applicable.

The embryos would be classified as code black patients, since the embryos would not survive either way, due to the fact that the inferno would disrupt what fragile balance there was, and there would be no way to hook it up again to preserve that balance.
With the child, they would be classified as a yellow patient, due to the fact they could still be helped.
Even without the patient classification, can you lift a container of 100 embryos? Too heavy, not to mention it would be bolted to the floor.
Emergency rescue procedures are about helping who you can. They don't care about morality, these procedures are all about practicality.
If you work for any emergency services, labeling any person code black patient is no easy task, but it doesn't prove that they're not human.
The fact that you would most likely pick to save the child over the 100 embryos doesn't prove that the unborn are not humans. But rather, it is rooted in practicalities.