Ritual abstinence diminishes the scope for "rational control" which liberals happen to adore
The room for discretion arises when you have "choice" and you use that choice judiciously
That extends to "holding your drink" - a sign of the triumph of reason over base passions
Individuals however wise, however brilliant, are not very good at discriminating right and wrong
So we defer to time tested prejudices. Time tested habits
If these prejudices emphasize teetotalling particularly for women, that is also accepted as the distilled wisdom of the ages
Inductive wisdom
About privileging human free will and discrimination over tradition and historical experience
The twain shall never meet
Because reason is supreme
But human capacity for reason is small
But individuals have other identities. One is gender
It is not inconsequential. It makes a difference.
Women have babies. Men don't.
It makes a difference, whether we like it or not
Some have the capacity for austerity and self-restraint. Others have less of it
Much of it may be cultural baggage, which may be neutered in the long run
But the long run can be v v long
Other societies may feel stifled by the same rules, and may seek greater freedom
Some societies can handle that freedom well. Some can't.
Which came about in the early 60s, and lasted for some 2 full decades till the early 80s
But not all communities responded to this revolution in the same way
But among many other demographic groups, the metrics got much worse. There was a near collapse of family. Near collapse of sexual mores
But v varied. Depending on the initial starting point - the social and cultural background of each group
1963 Blue collared US whites : 84% married
1963 White-collared whites : 94% married
2010 Blue collared whites : 48% married
2010 White collared whites : 84% married!
But notice its impact. Very disparate.
Some handled it well.
Some didn't.
Family survives in some sections of society. Almost as strong as in 1963.
Very very weak in other sections
He restricts himself to non Latino Whites to make his point race-neutral
Also the age group he is considering is 30 to 49 - an age during which you'd expect most people to be married
Cultural Freedom is NOT uniform in its consequences
Be it the freedom to drink, or the freedom to have relationships without marriage
People react to these freedoms in diverse ways, and with v v diverse outcomes, ranging from v v adverse to neutral