#1: Get the fighters fighting and keep them fighting
Harvard Prof. Levitsky explains that that “hardball tactics” will kill democracy 👇
The more polarized the society, the more people are willing to tolerate “hardball tactics” from their own side
(I did a thread on Levitsky’s hardball tactics theory if you missed it👇
💠Keeping the Democrats and Republicans fighting each other.
💠Getting the Democrats to fight each other.
Getting the Democrats to fight each other is easy for someone like Trump, who knows how to exploit the weaknesses on the other side.
That's because authoritarians seek uniformity and dislike complexity. (For more on that, see @JonHaidt and @karen_stenner's essay in 👇)

The bots are getting more sophisticated. See:
Lots of liberals will take the bait.
#2 of the plan: Feed the victimization-outrage cycle.
It’s counterintuitive that the GOP see themselves as victims—but they do.
From Yale Prof. @jasonintrator: Dominant groups who believe nature forms a hierarchy feel victimized by equality (expansion of liberal democracy👇)

What’s actually happening is that the oppressed groups want equality.
But if people hold a hierarchal view of nature . .
They feel that they're losing something.
This feeling of loss has been explained by numerous scholars and theorists.
Here’s how the victimization-outrage cycle works:
💠Trump tells his base they're victims. “Others” are taking what is theirs.
💠They feel that he understands them. . .
💠They view him as brave enough to speak the truth in the face of "political correctness."
💠Trump implements a cruel policy targeting a minority ethnic group, like this one:
💠The left spins with fury and outrage. . .
💠Trump’s base concludes that the left cares more about “others” than "true" Americans and are thus the enemy.
💠Their loyalty to Trump increases.
💠Trump’s base, to help him win, enthusiastically embrace his destructive lies. See my slate article👇 slate.com/news-and-polit…
💠The left becomes even more outraged at the blatant lying; and
💠Trump’s base cheers to see the liberals enraged.
Notice that #1, "Keep the Fighters Fighting" and #2, "The Victimization Outrage Cycle" form their own cycle, each feeding the other.
Trump tells his base that he alone can Make America Great Again, where, of course, MAGA means return America to a white dominant patriarchy.
Thus the left is a formidable enemy that he alone can defeat.
#1, #2, and #3 are interlocked. Each feeds off the other.
Next #4, he inoculates himself as a lawbreaker by undermining factuality, which in turn undermines rule of law.
Why do I say that? Because he’s constantly changing his story right there in public. As everyone knows, people who change their stories are not credible witnesses. . .
You can’t prepare a traditional legal defense while obstructing justice & intimidating witnesses.
He uses a non-traditional, Putin-style defense.
Steve Bannon explains how:
There are lots of tried and true techniques for accomplishing this.
💠Drench the public with a firehose of falsehoods.
💠Insist that everyone else is lying or presenting “fake” news.
💠Change your story right out there in public and have your media wing (Fox) act like it’s normal.
💠Persuade people that all politicians are corrupt liars (“Clinton and Obama did it too”) Also known as Whataboutism.
If all politicians are corrupt, going after Trump is purely political.
Each side then prefers their own corrupt liar to the enemy liar . . .
From @TimothyDSnyder Eventually people conclude that the truth is unknowable, and they give up trying to sort truth from lies. It's the ultimate in skepticism and relativism.
These techniques allow Trump to undermine the results of any investigation, or even a jury verdict. He's a victim! It's all a deep state plot!
See? Who needs a traditional legal defense?
These techniques come naturally to Trump.
Note that if you get Democrats angry enough at each other, many of them will stay home and not vote. So we tie back to #1: Keep the Fighters Fighting.
How do we counter this? See⤵️
Sometimes I come back and add comments or questions.
BTW, I like questions, but I can't respond to them all, and often good questions get buried and I don't see them. Last year, when I had 45 followers, I knew you all by name and could always respond.
"People need to realize that Trump isn't defending Pelosi. He's driving the wedge further in." Comment from @furburglarr
I see people saying, "We can't wait until 2020! We must remove Trump now!"
The problem is that there is no constitutional way to do that.
Or people say . . .
The process is slow because that's the nature of democracy. People impatient with the pace are really impatient with democracy.
Autocracy has no constraints . . .
Democracy, due process, and courts moves slowly. That's the nature of the beast.
The same checks, balance of power, and slowness of process are also making it hard for Trump to destroy our institutions.
The time I spent in a detention center offering legal assistance to asylum seekers (through @RAICESTEXAS) was therapeutic. The work was hard, but lifted me out of the exhaustion of the news cycle.
Removal requires 2/3 of the Senate. Good luck with that.
The point of impeachment hearings is to put the truth in front of the American people and because well, if you don't impeach Trump, who DO you impeach?
See. . .
I have in-depth discussions of impeachment on my blog. Just go to the index and click on impeachment.
Mostly my threads on impeachment are to tamp down false expectations because these lead to disillusionment, which is dangerous.