"He would say if you care about workers, you vote for the Democrats. I think if we get back to that we’re going to win every election, actually." #IowaCornFeed #iacaucus
She says she's not just running to beat Trump but to challenge the political establishment. #IowaCornFeed #iacaucus
"Today in America our education system, it pains me to say this, is reinforcing the income inequality that we have," he says, calling for universal preschool. #IowaCornFeed #iacaucus
"If you give me the nomination for the Democratic Party I promise you I will remove the bully from the playground" #IowaCornFeed #iacaucus
"We stop the flooding, we stop the climate change by having an aggressive ag policy around regenerative agriculture." #IowaCornFeed #iacaucus
"We fight for what we believe in, not for what the polling tells us. That is why we must begin impeaching Donald Trump." #IowaCornFeed #iacaucus
"I know the polling is against us. I know the Senate may not convict, but you know what? How about just doing the right thing?" he says. #IowaCornFeed #iacaucus
"What I don’t believe is that the profits of drug companies or other companies should ever determine whether somebody gets health care in our country." #IowaCornFeed
This isn’t the first time that we’ve seen this in our country," he says. #IowaCornFeed #iacaucus
"The presidency is not the only office that matters. We’ve got work to do in local office, we’ve got work to do in state office." #IowaCornFeed #iacaucus
"What we’ve done in Colorado is bring people together and demonstrate that we can still do these big progressive achievements." #IowaCornFeed #iacaucus