We teach little kids gentle hands when petting bunnies & encourage kindness on the playground. But like curiosity, it’s easy to lose those traits as adults. Especially to ourselves.
Enjoying this moment without worrying about the next is hard. Making plans for uncertain futures is hard.
When you hear that inner voice describing yourself, is it kind? Or is it harsh in a way you’d never be to friends?
You can critique & hold yourself to standards you haven’t met yet without being mean.
All our flaws are what makes humans so spectacular — despite everything that makes is so implausible, we somehow survive & thrive.
Bears are objectively bad at hammocks, yet they can’t seem to resist trying. Even when they have brief success, it falls apart moments later. But it’s not an indicator that bears suck.
If I’m harsher with my failures than I am on bears, I’m being too mean.