You say your (as in Tim Hanson & Michel M. Maharbiz's) electrode causes less damage.
Then, why don't you show us evidence for your assertion?
Just a simple study of tissue damage. Nissel, TUNEL, FJ, you know, the basics.
$TSLA $TSLAQ #Neuralink
Just do a simple time-course study, maybe a dozen time-points from 30 min to 2 yrs?
Compare to normal tissue & other implants.
Quantify them & publish.
$TSLA $TSLAQ #Neuralink
Otherwise, you wouldn't think of sticking your electrodes into people's brains, would you?
Can you be sure they don't cause epilepsy & such w/o long-term testing?
$TSLA $TSLAQ #Neuralink
After all, those electrodes are gonna stay in the brain forever.
Pretty good chance many will break when you try to pull them out, right?
$TSLA $TSLAQ #Neuralink
Like they did in your rats.
Did they get infection? What happened?
Or is it all vaporware?
$TSLA $TSLAQ #Neuralink
Poor quality animation may suggest a lot of empty space in the brain. In reality, it is densely packed, as seen in the image obtained w/ electron microscope.
Just think of the size. Do you think that big needle & electrodes won't cause any damage?
$TSLA $TSLAQ #Neuralink