Last week, @subach found a video in which an analysis estimated $TSLA's battery cost to be ~$240/kWh, citing METI (Ministry of Economy, Trade & Industry) data. So, I looked into it.
TL;DR: He's probably right.
METI is the Japanese equivalent of U.S. Commerce Dept., & collects tons of data, including automotive Li-ion battery production/sales. I'll link to specific files at the end.
(Note that 2018 data are for Jan-Nov, no Dec. data yet.)…
Lithium price remains rather high, while cobalt price has come down, as you can see in the data from @benchmarkmin & These are not exactly the price Pana pays, but should be reasonably close. I'd love @benchmarkmin & others to comment on this.

If you look around, one of the main sources of low battery cost estimate is BNEF, which, as a part of @business, seems to like to shill for Tesla.

You can find similar graphs floating around, many made by known shills @InsideEVs, @cleantechnica, etc. I don't think they have a clue. I'm not linking to them, because they are all unicorn farts & rainbows.
While this applies only to 18650 cells for S/X, I doubt 21700 cells for 3 are all that different. After all, Pana/Tesla has a long way to go to pay for GF1, unlike the Pana factory in Japan that's been making cells for >7 yrs. As of now, those 2 factory are similar in size.
In sum, these data suggest battery cost <$150/kWh to be way off the mark.
Good news for Tesla? At >$200/kWh, Tesla won't have much trouble meeting the purchase obligations to Pana.
Monthly data (last 5 yrs):…
Yearly & monthly data for each year:…
exchange rate:……
Cobalt price:……