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, 8 tweets, 3 min read Read on Twitter
PLEASE READ CAREFULLY! If you read something I've written or posted regarding; Islam or Muslims; Protestant or Catholic Christians; Judaism or Jews there's a 99.8% chance I am NOT TALKING ABOUT YOU! Please understand, it's the leadership and doctrines of these groups I intend...
... my tweets to be critical of. As a Biblical Christian, bible student, news junkie and geo-political event watcher for over 45 years, I've seen and learned much. Mostly that I've been wrong about many things. Some things though have and are rock solid beliefs that I cannot...
... bend or break. The belief there's a spirit world and a Creator God is one. Though I cling to faith, it's seem logical there must be more intelligent, loving, creative, beings in existence than the human being. Who or what the most high of these is/are therefore is worthy...
... to be called in my English language, God. I've held this belief as long as I can remember. It's what led me on a wide ranging quest to learn more. From Tim Leary, Eckankar to astrology, numerology, to ancient astronaut theory before I had my "Damascus" moment. I don't want...
... go into how here/now so suffice it to say God god my attention and I began reading the bible. Front to back I read 8-12 hours a day for weeks. That was 40 yrs ago and where I came to many rock solid beliefs. The most important for this thread is from Mar 7 speaking about...
... Isaiah, "Well did Isaiah prophesy as it is written, This people honors me with their lips, but their heart is far from me... they worship me in vain, teaching as doctrines the commandments of men... Fully you reject the commandment of God, so you may keep your tradition...
... So there it is in a nutshell. All religions on the planet mix varying amounts of truth with maximum amounts of human tradition. THAT is why my criticisms. It's only those in religion, who KNOWINGLY twist scripture that I desire to be critical of. If that's not you then...
... please don't be offended. To those whose feelings I've hurt, especially Christ's precious lambs, I'm sorry please forgive me. To INDIVIDUALS in other faiths or of different political persuasions, I also apologize. I want ALL to PROVE any belief for themselves: Fakery Abounds!
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