Jul 26th 2019, 11 tweets, 8 min read Read on Twitter
These rankings are a perfect example of how the media class interests are gallingly divergent from those of everyday working people. [A thread]

By @DrJasonJohnson's own standards: Finances, Legislation, External Polling -- Bernie should be ranked highly.

He is paying black staff well, w/ 1 of 4 co-chairs (@ninaturner), his Deputy Campaign Manager (Rene Spellman) and Natl Press Sec (me) all black female senior staffers.
mentions Re legislation: Bernie can't be beat.

His Thurgood Marshall Education plan has been described as "the most progressive education platform in modern history." thenation.com/article/bernie…
mentions The Center for Repro Rights is clear that the key drivers of the maternal mortality crisis are poverty & uninsurance. Medicaid patents (disproportionately AA) are discriminated against)

Bernie is the only candidate to unequivocally support M4All -- free at point of service care.
mentions Bernie Sanders Bail reform bill is the most comprehensive bill of its kind out there. If his free college policy had been enacted in 2016, the racial wealth gap btwn young families would have shrunk from 12:1 to 5:1 today. I could go on and on.
mentions But lets move to polling: There is only one candidate doing better than Bernie Sanders with black voters. His name is Joe Biden. Buttigieg polls a 0-1 percent with black voters. Yet he ranks number 4 according to @TheRoot.
mentions Not to pile on Pete, but I'm just trying to understand this ranking. His "Douglass Plan", heralded by Johnson, is a technocratic fix to structural problems Pete repeatedly refuses to meet with the bold, universal policies they require -- like M4All and student debt cancellation.
mentions Black women hold more student debt than any other group. Black babies die at rates found in the global south.

But moderate increases in funding to minority owned businesses take precedence over debt cancellation and M4All in this poll.
mentions To his credit, Johnson rightly notes that Bernie has more black endorsements in South Carolina than any other candidate. But he dings him down to 6th place because . . . he used his platform to raise money for Rep. Omar.

I guess that's the "X-factor."
mentions The "X-factor" I care about? How many people are lifted out of poverty as a result of the polices advanced by a candidate -- how many people are kept out of graves (40,000 a year) bc they have insurance.

How many low income folks no longer pay >20 interest on credit card debt.
mentions But that's just me.

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