In a case of the disappearing golden apples, 3 sleepy sons swear to discover the culprit. The youngest gets woken up by midnight (!) & sees 9 chicks (birds-then-girls) fly in...

.. & get serious apple noms. 1 keeps him occupied with 'kindly conversation' & leave him 2 apples by request. Jealous bros employ a stealthy old woman (from the Secret Sista Society we assume) to see how little bro got "them apples". #FolkloreThursday

Secret stealthy senior hides under bed, under apple tree & sees glowy "waaah" fr bird to chick; sneak-snips lock of her hair. "Screech!" chick back to bird & all little birdies fly away 4eva. Prince upset. Has SSS torn to pieces. He cries. The End. Not really...

Prince searches the world for the pea, er peahen. Finds a rumored peahen bathing-lake & waits.. Nearby Queen is all "nope on the nude-watching" & bribes Prince's servant to keep him asleep thru any bird-to-chick stuff. #FolkloreThursday

Pretty peachick does best alarm clock impersonations but nada. 2 nights rinse, rpt. Chick tells servant "playing for 1 more night only" + a riddle. Prince very GRR w/out peahen (or coffee) & on hearing riddle, murder-ones his servant.

Prince globe-trots - finds private peahen palace. Ta da - it's her! Wedding bells. The End? Not yet.
Take a left turn into Bluebeard - 12 cellars, no lookee #12 or "THERE WILL BE BLOOD!". Prince get curioser & curioser... (art:Violet Brunton)

Prince finds talking barrel "Thirsty water!" Prince gives barrel a drink. BAM! a DRAGON bursts out from barrel-dimensional-prison, snatches peahen princess & flies away 4eva. The End. (Not The End)
Servant screeches "OMG DRAGON took my princess!"
(Art: HJ Ford)

Worldwide hide-n-seek. Finds her in dragon palace. Exit horse-left. Dragon also w/horse gets home.
Asks horse: "Hm, chase or snack?"
Horse: "Snack 1st" (prob apples)
Still catch couple.
Dragon: Re the drink, still IOU. You live. Chick's mine.
(Art:R. Leinweber)

Princess sweet talks dragon: Your horse is fiiine.
Dragon: Yep-magic. Babysit a witchy-mare for 3nights- tougher than it sounds- succeed & a stableful of choice. But it's a trick! The leprous 1 is best. Tricky witch...
Princess whispers prince.
Him: I'll do it.

Prince visits witch.
"Yes you can look after my mare but if she's not kept safe you lose your head.." indicates fence with all the skulls sitting on posts. 1 post is head-free. So far.
(You know why we like this tale now, right?)
Did we mention the post that had no head shouted:
"O grandmother give me a head!"
Prince: No sweat.
Takes bridle, rides off. Falls asleep... not kidding - tale should be called The Nap Prince!
(Art: Gabriella Hajnal)

Prince wakes & horse is gone. He's only holding bridle but he has a plan.
(Flashback - While globe-trotting Prince helped: fish-got a scale & favor; fox-got foxhair & a favor; wolf-got wolf-tuft & favor.)
Rubs scale - fish appears: whattup bro?
(pic: Billy Bass)

Prince, holding up bridle: "Um-she got away."
Fish: "Just turned into a fish. Slap the water w/bridle."
Witch was NOT happy.
2nd night, rpt w/foxes, 3rd night, wolves.
Prince: "Did it!"
Witch: "Choose yourself a horse."
Prince: "The scabby one."
Witch: "Dammit."

It's a flying horse!
Prince: "To Dragon's palace!" (arriving) "Get on girl -we're gone!"
Dragon: "Seriously?" (to his horse) "Chase or snack?"
Horse: Crap- that's my horse-bro. No catchin' him."
Dragon: "Cr*p! Try!!"
(Art: John D. Batten)

Dragon closes in.
Dragons horse: “Bro! Wait! I'm dying here!"
Prince horse: “WTF you carry that monster? Buck him off & JOIN US.”
Dragon horse throws dragon into space & zillion pieces. Princess gets a horse now.
(for real)
(Art: M. Belomlinskij)

(Tale notes follow. #FolkloreThursday Art:Rackham)

The Golden Apple Tree & the Nine Peahens: originally an epic Serbian poem, written as literary #FairyTale by Karadžić in 1853. Andrew Lang included in Violet Fairy Book.
Shares motifs w/ Bluebeard-Swan Maiden-Firebird